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It was the weekend on Sunday, Gulf was lazing around waking up in the afternoon while enjoying his time alone before he up and arrange his belonging to their own place.

*knock knock*

'Come in' said Gulf as he looked away from his phone toward the door.

'Aren't you gonna come down and have lunch with us?' ask Thanayong while lean on the doorframe.

'Okay, I'll come down and eat lunch but after shower. Give me like 5-10 minutes' reply Gulf as he gets up from his bed.

'Okay' reply Thanayong as he closes the door.

Gulf walked towards his luggage bag while rummage thru his clothing and pick a simple Hawaiian shirt and shorts.

He leisurely walks towards the toilet and 8 minute later he's out fully clothed while his towel hand on his shoulder looking hot as always.

He hangs his towel and style his hair while combing it into his preferred hairstyle then he heads downstairs towards the kitchen section where his parents seated.

"Ahh, the prince is here" said Thanayong in a teasing tone.

"Afternoon my queen, king. This prince was lazing around for there's no royal duty to be done today" said Gulf in his fake British accent while take his on Thanayaong's left side of the table.

"My prince, did you unpacked your stuff because I saw it's still in boxes and baggage" ask Thanayong as he look at Gulf who's munching his food.

"My king, we arrived late yesterday and I was lazing around this very morning. I'll do it later after lunch" reply Gulf as he smirks at Thanayong.

"You two are a weirdo" said Ampha while laughing softly.

"My queen. I'm hurt from that statement" said Thanayong in his broken fake British accent.

"Our queen that's mean, ouch. My heart is hurting from that words" said Gulf still in his fake British accent while holding his left breast where the heart is.

"Tsk tsk, you two can make me nuts" said Ampha as she shakes her head in disapproval manner.

"No, no we can't have a crazy queen now can we?! Pho, let's find a new candidate to replace our queen" said Gulf laughing while open his mouth showing his unchewed food.

"Before that I think we need to change our prince first, am I right my queen Ampha?" ask Thanayong with a sly smirk looking at Ampha then back to Gulf.

As soon Thanayong said that Gulf stopped laughing and look at him with his mouth half full of his unchewed food.

"Geez, and here I though we are a team" said Gulf as he chews his food while pouting.

"We're but your mother is important than you" said Thanayong as he laugh out loud alongside with Ampha.

"She is, isn't she" said Gulf as he joins their laughing fit.

"Okay, okay. Cut it out you two. Let's finish our lunch and continue to unpacked our stuff before Gulf go to his new university tomorrow" said Ampha.

"Oh yea, how do you find the university? Did you check it out?" ask Thanayong.

"Nope, not gonna search for it because it'll give me high hopes for it since I've heard rumors about that prestigious university" said Gulf.

"Plus, whatever come to my way tomorrow I'll dodge it like ninja" add Gulf while make the ninja gesture earning a loud laugh from his parents.

"That's my son. Worry less and let fate do its work" said Ampha as she smiles at Gulf who's smiling like a little kid.

"I hope you'll find your partner in this new university" add Ampha smirking at Gulf.

"Mae, I'm still young there's no rush to it. Plus need to earn me a Dr title first before getting tie down. If, only if I'll settle down" said Gulf in a small voice after the Dr title first.

"Don't worry darling, if fates in our luck then he'll find his mate just let fate determine it as you said earlier 'worry less and let fate do its work'" said Thanayong while looking at both mother and son smiling softly.

Their lunch has ended with the man's washing plates and utensils while Ampha lounging at the TV room watching some variety show.

After helping Thanayong with the dishes Gulf quickly went upstairs and into his bedroom to get his task done which is unpacked his belongings.

It's been hours since Gulf started to unpacked his belonging, box after box has been emptied and it was dinner time.

He still has few more box and his main luggage that contain his clothes that needed to hang up and refold it back as he rummaging his clothes earlier today.

He took shower before head down for dinner and spend few hours before he heads back to his bedroom.

As he enters his bedroom he looks up at his bedside digital clock stated 8.12pm it seems that he took about 2 hours' rest by having dinner with his parents then lounging at the TV room before head back to his room.

Gulf continue his unpacked to the last box all set, settle and organizes just the way he liked.

Gulf quickly take his towel and head to his bathroom and take a quick shower as he was sweating from the unpacking activity that he did the whole day.

He exits his bathroom and quickly plop himself down to his new set bedding cover while reaching out for his phone scrolling thru his social media.

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