Wrong Deduction

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Gulf starts to eat his dinner but as he was chewing his food no matter how hard he tries to ignore the smell coming from Mew he just couldn't do it.

"Where did you go before coming here?" asked Gulf as he takes another bite of his food.

"Business. Was having a dinner business that's why I was late to pick you up" said Mew as he looked at Gulf.

"Hmm" hummed Gulf as he continues to eat.

"With who?" asked Gulf a little jealous as he takes another bite of his food without looking at his mate.

Mew was looking at Gulf's facial expression that stated jealously plastered all over his face making Mew smirk at him and smile at his attitude.

"Woman named Pear," said Mew smirking making Gulf looked at him slightly glare.

"And there are other peoples too, don't worry Gulf it was an executive board dinner," said Mew as he smiles at Gulf who's nod a little and then continues to eat his dinner.

"Oh yea, I've been wanting to ask you since that time you open the door," said Mew again making Gulf looked at him.

"Ask away" reply Gulf then he takes his final bite.

"Why do you look pale?" asked Mew in confusion.

"You were sleeping from the afternoon till 10.45 pm aren't you supposed to be energetic?" asked Mew again as he cock his head like a lost puppy.

"Don't know and truthfully don't care about it" reply Gulf as he stands up and head over to the sink to wash his empty plate and cup.

Mew then follow his mate towards the sink from behind and back hug him the moment he's near his mate.

"Mew," said Gulf as if scolding a small kid.

"Just let me have this moment, I need this" reply Mew as he takes a deep breath inhale Gulf's scent.

Gulf was busy washing his plate but halted when Mew back hugs him and smell him making him shudder deliciously a little at his action.

As soon as Gulf shudder a little Mew smile at him and hugged him tighter while plant a small and soft kiss at his nape making Gulf again shudder at that action.

"Okay you need to stay away from me like few minutes," said Gulf as he turns around looking at Mew and detaches himself from his mate.

Mew looked at him in his lost state gaze as if someone stole his favourite toy away from him.

Then before Gulf could say anything he heard his phone chime from the living room so he walked over and check on it.

There are few messages from different people but he ignores it and the recent message was from Kokliang.

'Gulfie you know you are rejecting Mew by ignoring him and staying away from him. This action can kill him so don't make me kill my only best friend for being an idiot' stated the message.

Gulf read the message and gasped while biting his lips softly in a 'what did I do' manner and got him thinking that he's an idiot for avoiding his mate just because of his stupid assignment and studies which he can easily score.

Gulf is that type of student where if he gives his 100 per cent focus he'll give it all without stopping.

Even if he's a bright student that doesn't need a constant study because he has a semi-photogenic memory but if he put his mind into it then he will give his all without a doubt.

'Why am I such an idiot?!' said Gulf to himself again as he frowns while looking at his phone.

Without him knowing Mew was following him slowly taking a very casual lazy walk toward him.

Gulf then turns around facing Mew which stands a few meter away from him looking at him with a raise eyebrows.

Then Mew walks over to the sofa silently seating down while still looking at Gulf as his brain was racking.

"I'm so sorry Mew," said Gulf a little loud and walks towards Mew who was looking at him in a confused state.

"I didn't know that my action could kill you. I'm so sorry" said Gulf as he seats on Mew's lap and wraps his arms around Mew's neck.

Mew then wrap his own long hands around Gulf taking him into his embrace in a loving soft manner.

"I didn't know Mew, I seriously don't know that ignoring you that I unconsciously do this to you, no wonder you looked pale," said an over concern Gulf as he tightens his hugs.

Gulf knows what mate could do to one another but it didn't cross his mind that his action will cause a great deal over Mew.

His pho, Thanayong, once did tell him all about mates how they need a constant reassurance such as the small touch, talks and constantly being there for each other.

In other words, mates can't live without each other and it'll be even worst if the werewolf is an alpha.

It will take its toll on both sides which means the things that happen to the alpha will be the exact thing happen to its partner.

"Tua-eng.." Coax Mew as he tries to make some space between them.

"Tua-eng, I'm not dying," said Mew with a light chuckle making Gulf's ear bright red.

"You dick! I thought that you're dying" reply Gulf as he hit Mew's chest lightly while pouting.

Gulf then stands up and quickly exit the living room and enters the kitchen just so he can get away from Mew.

Gulf was running away from Mew scared that he caught his bright red face and tease him for that stupid deduction of his.

"Tua-eng, come here," said Mew as he follows Gulf like a lost puppy but Gulf ignore him.

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