Chulalongkorn University

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Gulf woke up as soon as his alarm clock blaring loudly making him quickly turn it off before he has a massive headache that will kill his good mood in the morning.

Gulf was still lazing around for about 5 minutes but was on high alert when he hears his mother yelling from downstairs.

"Gulf get your butt up and shower before your breakfast finish" yell Ampha.

She heard the alarm clock blaring but knowing his son's attitude, she knows he'll be lazing around if she didn't remind him so she yells from downstairs as Gulf quickly wake up and take a quick shower.

Gulf opt for a layback style with a white shirt, skinny jeans and complete the look with his black Nike. He quickly grabs his phone, wallet and his backpack then head down to the kitchen.

"Pho! Leave some for me" said Gulf in a fake shocking tone.

Gulf seat down and eat his breakfast before leaving with his father. For the first week his father has forbid him to drive alone due to Gulf been in a new place so he need to get used to the roads and Bangkok style of driving.

To Gulf happiness he complies. It's not because Gulf didn't know how to drive but he was lazy to drive and doesn't want to attract people if he bought his baby to the university ground.

Thanayong drop Gulf in front of the administration block then he drove off leaving Gulf to do his administration stuff and all.

Gulf quietly walk minding his own business and try to memorize the route he was taking but he can't help to notice that people start to mummer and all heads turn towards him.

"He's cute"

"No, he's handsome"

"No, he's cute and handsome at the same time"

"Gosh he's like a fox"

Gulf was laughing to himself not aware of his surrounding as he quickens his steps but he walked right to a pole like body and fall down on his butt.

He looked up his jaw almost drop but not that obvious as he quickly gets up and dust his butt off.

The tall handsome of a man just stood there glaring with annoyed facial expression plaster on his handsome face at Gulf as if he did that purposely.

"Brat" mutter Gulf under his breath.

"Did you say something brat?" said the tall handsome man.

"You could have asked if I was alright dickhead" reply Gulf.

Gulf walked away from him but he was grabbed by his arm and get pushed up against the wall by the same tall handsome guy.

"Who the fuck you think you are?" hissed the tall handsome guy as Gulf rolled his eyes.

Gulf's inner diva started to making an appearance as he hates to belittle by other people.

"Of course a nobody. Aww are you mad? Just like a small brat" cooing Gulf in a fake tone.

As soon as Gulf did that the tall handsome man pushed his back harder into the wall which kind of hurting his back.

"Do you know who I am?" said the hunky man clearly mad.

"Why are you asking me is it because you don't know who you are?" said Gulf in a mocking manner.

The hunky man throws Gulf to the floor harshly but he was quick to reflect as he kneels one leg down and shot up with a kick that aims to the tall handsome man's balls as he quickly falls to his knees cupping his dick.

"Who's your daddy now bitch! That what you get for being a dick, dickhead" said Gulf looking down at the man.

The tall handsome man was spurting curses words towards Gulf as he walked away leaving the loser and bully with a sore dick.

Gulf finally found the administration office with the helped of a kind girl, she brings him to the office and walks off after wai at Gulf, who wai and said thank you in return.

"Excuse me, I'm the new student. I'm here to get my schedule" said Gulf looking at the middle aged lady.

"Name?" she asked without looking up and type furiously onto her computer.

"Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong" stated Gulf.

"Oh yes our new student Gulf, give me a second I'll just print out your schedule" said the lady as she looked up, smiling at him and type away before the printer make printing sound.

"Madam, you called?" asked a short kid beside Gulf.

"Yes, here you go Nong Gulf, your schedule and maps just in case you got lost inside our university" said the lady as he hands Gulf his schedules and maps of the university.

"Yes, nong Kokliang can you show your friend here around the university ground?" asked the lady.

"Sure Madam" reply Kokliang as he waied at her and leave the room.

"Thank you, mam" said Gulf as he wai the lady and exit the room.

Gulf followed Kokliang outside and he stop right beside him as he stuck his hands out and the short guy shake his hands.

"I'm Gulf Kanawut"

"I'm Kokliang"

"So you're my tour guide huh?! Not bad" said Gulf as he eyeing Kokliang.

"I am and I'll take you to a brief and important part of the university ground, we'll scout out more in the future" reply Kokliang.

"Okay then, take me to our faculty my boy!" said Gulf as he linked his arms with Kokliang.

They both quickly become friends, few hours of strolling and walking around faculty then they settle down to rejoin the class right before lunch.

Gulf was hype because he heard that Faculty of Medicine's cafeteria is one of the best cafeteria around the university ground and no way in hell he'll miss that on his first day in university.

It's like his own believe if he can't get to experience a good meal after knowing that there is one and that place is near him then his whole week will be a bad week for him.

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