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Like a whipped wolf Mew follow his mate down towards the living room where his angry parents are waiting.

"Gulf," said Thanayong as he first notices his son.

"Gulf my boy," said Ampha as she quickly hugs her son.

"Mae, pho. Why are back early?" asked Gulf genuinely confused.

"Well someone got kidnapped for almost a month and another month of being silent and we have no idea on that," said Thanayong as he seething in anger while looking at Mew who keeps his mouth shut.

"Why didn't you say anything or inform us" scold Ampha as she looks at them both who just keep quiet.

"Can we go to my office there and talk?" said Mew.

"Yes, mae, pho let's talk in a more private room. I don't feel comfortable talking here" said Gulf as he flashes his puppy eyes on his parents who immediately agree.

All of them head over to Mew's home office including San and Kokliang in which equipped with a soundproof system that couldn't be heard from outside.

"Explain," said Ampha impatiently as they all seat down at their respective seats.

"I told Mew not to tell you because I don't want to make you worry," said Gulf straight forward.

"No that's not true, I was so focused on finding him until I forget to inform you two and I'm really sorry for not inform you" confess Mew truthfully which earns him a glare from Gulf.

"We have been bound before Gulf, you should immediately call us or text us after the rescue," said Ampha in a little sad tone.

"And here we are almost 2 months without knowing anything and luckily Mew call us and inform about what happen" said Thanayong.

"I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry for being careless, for being useless, for being self-centred and forgetful," said Gulf feeling angry at everything.

"Oh, honey," said Ampha as she hugs her son.

"Oh baby boy, don't you dare say that," said Thanayong as he joins to hug him.

"Oh Gulf," said Mew as he stands up but halted by Gulf who's still angry at him.

"No. You seat down there and keep quiet" said Gulf as he snuggles into his mae and pho's embrace.

"Did we miss something?" asked Thanayong as he eyeing both Mew and Gulf.

"I know right, there's something that we definitely miss" add Ampha support her mate's question.

"It's his fault," said Gulf pointing at Mew who look at Gulf in a 'why did you rat me out' facial expression.

"Mae, pho. Don't worry about the kidnapping okay, you know how Fiat. He will kidnap me but will never hurt me, not until I provoke him in which I did not so don't get angry okay" said Gulf as he looks at his parents.

"We know but we still worry and couldn't stop thinking that this is our fault," said Thanayong.

"Hey, pho who tell you this lies that it's your fault?" asked Gulf as he is slightly annoyed.

"This is not your fault and never was anyone's fault. This is just a bad case of overly obsessive love towards me that's all. He's just a stalker, who I can confirm that he will never lay a hand on me if I don't provoke him" said Gulf trying to explain but instead getting Mew all angry.

"Who the fuck is he?" asked Mew.

"An-ex" reply Gulf as he turns his attention back to his parents.

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