25 Years Later

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Everyone was having their Sunday off lazing around at the back yard as their ex Alpha wrestle around with the pups while their ex Luna pulling a cart of icebox that contain pop-sickles and head over to the pups playing area. As soon as he stopped his track everyone stops playing and look at him who overly smiles and grins at them before he slowly opens up the icebox pull out a pop-sickles, close back the icebox, seat on it and eat the pop-sickles in front of the pups.

"Pop-sickles," said multiple voices of pups running to him.

"I want"

"I want one"

"Me too"


"I want Pops too"

"Pop? Where's pop"


Different answers could be heard from the pups as they run towards him who smiling while eating the pop-sickles in front of them.

"Pop-sickles please," said one of the pups as they all reached him.

"No, this is mine" reply the Luna jokingly as he eats the pop-sickles in front of him

"Pop-sickles~," said all of the pups with a sad tone.

"Aren't you a little old to be doing this?" said the Alpha as he jogs towards his mate.

"Never, I'm young and energetic not old as your Alpha," said the Luna while laughing before run away from the Alpha who chasing his mate around the back yard in which makes the pack members laughing at them.

"Oh goddess you two, stop behaving like a kid," said another voice as he walks out from the packhouse towards the back yard.

"Hey," said the Luna as he stops dead in his track while putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah hey," said the Alpha as he breaks himself before slamming onto his mate.

"That's not nice to say that, I'm young but not your dad. He's old and slow" said the Luna while laughing and continue to run around.

"Hey, my pop-sickles!" said the Luna as she changes direction and head over to the pups.

"Run" scream the pups as they all took each pop-sickles with them while running towards their parents.

"Everyone gets ready for dinner," said another female voice through their mind link as everyone walk into the house.

The Luna then walk towards the beach chair and plop himself down while his mate comes and squeeze himself and hug each other while look at the sky that slowly turn to dark.

"I miss how we used to be so energetic, how I always challenge you and drive you nuts sometimes," said Luna as he snuggles closer.

"Not sometimes but almost every time love," said Alpha as he chuckles at his mate.

"Mae~, pho~," said a gentle voice calling for them.

"Yes princess," said Luna as he looks at the sliding glass door.

"Phi asks you to come and eat with us before mae head over to the hospital," said the gentle voice again.

"Okay baby girl," said the Luna as he smiles at her.

"Hear that Mew let's go, you need to send me later," said Gulf as he stands up.

"Yes bii" said Mew as he stands up and quickly grabs Gulf's hand halting him from moving.

Gulf then turns to look at Gulf who looked puzzled at him, he gives his mate a gentle smile before closing the distance between them and he gentle kiss his lips.

"Phi rạk khuṇ mak thirak (Phi love you so much love)" whisper Mew sweetly towards Gulf who smile at him.

Gulf holds Mew's shoulder and both slowly bring their head other while smile at each other, contain with what they have before they could kiss another time their children interrupted them.

"Mae pho, stop showing public affection," said Thorn the eldest among the rest of the siblings.

"Mae, pho at it again?" asked Mild who run towards them.

"What happen, tell me?" asked Mai as he runs after his brother Mild.

"Keep out of this princess you don't know stuff," said Mild as he bickers with his 2 years younger sisters.

"Hello P'Mild I'm 21 years and I know stuff" bicker Mai towards Mild who stopped to glare at her.

"The three of you should keep your nosy nose to yourself seriously at the age of 25, 23 and 21. the three of you are a bunch of kids" said Gulf as he walks into the packhouse while shakes his head.

"They take after you bii, so you can't complain that to them," said Mew as he chuckles lightly in which earns him a quick glare from Gulf.

"I call dibs sitting next to mae" said Mai as she dashes first to the dining hall.

"No! Princess you seat next to mae the whole week last week!" said Mild as he rushes over to the dining hall chasing after his sister.

"Seriously," said Mew as he looks at his mate and shakes his head.

"Kids," said both Mew and Gulf unison before they arrived at the dining hall.

Everyone seat down and before they enjoy their meal Mew suddenly offer a toast as he brings his cups up and everyone stands up while holding their own cups.

"To Alpha Thorn and Luna Amy as she safely delivers our first grandson and the future alpha of Jongcheveevat Clan, to my handsome, dashing and a bit annoying boy Mild congratulation on finishing your study as a Law student. Last but not least, our princess congratulations on being a 2nd-year student as a medical student just like your mae. Let's enjoy tonight dinner to the fullest. Cheer!" said Alpha Mew as he cheers on it and drinks the wine accompanied by the others.

Everyone mingles, having fun talking as they enjoy their dinner. An hour after that Gulf head over to his room, get ready his spare clothes and then head downstairs as Mew was waiting for him at the living room.

"Let's go boo" said Gulf as he walks over to Mew who then stand up and walk hand-in-hand to their car.

"Pick me around 9 pm tomorrow boo," said Gulf as they almost arrived at the hospital ground.

"Okay bii" reply Mew.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital Gulf kiss Mew's lips before hop off and head inside the hospital.

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