Moving to Bangkok

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"I'm home!" said Gulf as he enters the house while removing his shoes.

"Gulf is everything settle?" ask Ampha, Gulf's mother from the kitchen.

"Yes mae, the documents are settled. Now I just need to start packing my clothes and all" reply Gulf as he untie his sneakers.

Gulf went straight to the kitchen where his mother who was preparing dinner for their family.

Gulf walked towards his mother and kiss her cheek while winked at her.

"Cheeky boy" said Ampha smiling while stirring food in the pot.

Gulf took out the Coke from the refrigerator as he gulped it in one shot then he sneakily takes a bite of his favorite pad kra pao unnoticed by his mother but caught by his stepfather whom he loves dearly like his own father.

Thanayong Traipipattanapong, stepfather of Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong who is a business man that coincidence met Ampha Phoosit Traipipattanapong when he went out on business trip at Koh Phangan.

They both straight away clicked like a long lost soul reunited, after 3 years of getting to know each other and open up to their past and secrets.

They got married in which Gulf was 17 years old back then and it's been 8 years since they live together like a family.

Gulf's biological father pass away when Gulf was 7 years old because of heart attack, leaving him and his mother who worked as a nurse back in Koh Phangan thus making her the biggest supporter and anchor in his life.

The trios were having a lively dinner like they always do for the last time in that household before they all moved to Bangkok because of Thanayong business and also for Gulf's education.

Thanayong wanted to give the best for his son that's why they moved out from Koh Phangan.

After dinner Gulf went up to his room and packed what needed to be packed quickly.

Few hours after pack all his belonging he shower before getting ready to sleep not before browse his social media.

He turned to looked at his right side of his bedside to looked at the digital clock which stated 3am and he decided to call it a night.

The next day Gulf woke up early to bid his goodbye and hang out with his friends before he left Koh Phangan.

---- Inside the aircraft----

"Baby boy wake up na" said Gulf's mother

"We are here. Looked outside" add Ampha.

"Mae, let me sleep for 5 minute" said Gulf.

"Gulf, we almost land my son" said Gulf's stepfather.

Gulf open his eye lazily as he looked outside of the aircraft's window. The first thing he noticed was the lights that illuminated the ground and he felt excited but sick and tired of everything.

He barely gets any sleep as he has to get all of the documents ready for his transfer to a new university and the packing that he obviously hates, it drains him out and what he wanted is to have a power sleep.

It was dark outside as soon as they landed. It took them 3 hours (A/N; in real life it's actually an hour) from Koh Phangan to Bangkok by flight and Gulf was just so done with the travel.

As they walked out from the airport the trio Gulf, Ampha and Thanayong was greeted by Thanayong's men who waited for their arrival and quickly helped them with their bags.

Thanayong seated next to the driver seat while Ampha seated behind the driver seat and Gulf seated next to her while looking out of the window looking at the traffic and the street lights.

"Do you guys wanna eat anything? We can buy drive thru food" asked Thanayong.

"I'm good honey" reply Ampha.

"How about you Gulf? Hungry?" ask Thanayong.

"I'm good pho, not hungry since I've stuffed myself before flight" reply Gulf.

"Okay then we will straight drive to the house" inform Thanayong.

After that small conversation Gulf closed his eyes as he imagined his birth place. He started to missed his friends and his professors who's like his family.

Gulf is a cheerful and very loud type of kid that have a heart of gold personality, Gulf isn't lack on his appearance side and he himself know this.

He has a good build that makes him not afraid to stand on his own ground when people try to do something funny towards him and he's a hot headed type of guy.

"Baby boy, we are here" said Gulf's mother to a sleeping Gulf.

After few hours of driving they finally reach to their new house which means new university which he felt annoyed with and new friends who he for sure know that he will make enemy with, not friends.

Gulf rubbed his eyes slightly, he looked out of his window as he unbuckled his seat belt and step outside as he looked at the spacious luxury style of double story house.

Gulf quickly grabbed his backpack but not before he tried to scan the surrounding but was greeted with darkness, he let out a small sigh before he walked towards the front door where his luggage was waiting for him.

Gulf step inside the house, drag his luggage up to his designated room and do a little scanning on his room before he places his things on the floor.

He quickly shower, get dressed without any care for the world and as soon as his head hit the fluffy pillow he was out cold.

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