Unexpected Pop-Up Test

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"Morning my boy" greeted Gulf as he walks into their classroom and seat beside Kokliang.

"Morning, are you okay Gulf?" asked Kokliang as he looked at Gulf worried.

"I'm okay, why?" asked Gulf as he looked at Kokliang while raising his left eyebrow.

Before Kokliang could answer Gulf's question, Professor Aunty enters the classroom and greeted them all, in her usual morning energetic tone.

"Morning class," said Professor Aunty as she settles in while scanning the room.

"Morning Madam" replied the student that was present.

"I want everyone to distant themselves one meter away from each other," said Professor Aunty as she moves her head apart from each other.

Everyone remained seated, not moving an inch from their seat as they confused with the sudden change in their seating position.

"Come on kids, let's make room from each other. Today we will have a pop-up test just to test you the future doctor what you have learned" said Professor Aunty as she pulls out stacks of papers from her carry on bag.

"Not again Madam," said the other student who murmur a little loud that catch their Professor attention.

"Yes again boy, now move," said Professor Aunty smirking at them all.

"Gosh, can't she like just give us the paper without moving? I mean it's not like we can cheat with her hawk eye looking at us" whisper Gulf to Kokliang as both stand-ups and move from the others.

"I know right, I should have changed my major at the beginning of the year" reply Kokliang lowly toward Gulf.

"Take a seat, you slowpoke. My grandmother could move faster than all of you even from her grave" said Professor Aunty as she holds the papers.

"Seriously that doesn't even make any sense" murmur Gulf to himself while looking at Kokliang who's obviously caught what he said making him rolled his eyes at Gulf.

"Pass this to the person behind you," said Professor Aunty to the students that were seating at the front row.

"Okay future doctors, you have 1 hour 30 minutes to answer these papers. Do not cheat, don't crack your head that much and most importantly this paper will determine your score before you can do your posting program" said Professor Aunty smirking at the student who's slowly losing their mind.

"Your time start now," said Professor Aunty while she simultaneously presses her timer.

An hour and a half passed by like a speed of light as all of the students manage to finish their test in time.

"Time's up, pens down and hands away from the test paper," said Professor Aunty as she walks towards the front table.

"I want the person at the end of each row to gather the paper and pass it to me" add Professor Aunty as she turns and looked at the students.

The last row student diligently stands up and collect the test paper before they hand over to their Professor.

"Before we end our class for this morning, let me ask you all is the question hard?" asked Professor Aunty smiling at them.

"Yes, No, A little, Not at all," said everyone in the class with different answer makes Professor Aunty smile her motherly smile.

"Actually if you focus on our previous paper you will notice that the question is almost the same. Anyway, you all did good in my class and I hope when you go to different posting you'll learn something new" said Professor Aunty as she organizes the test paper.

"So there's nothing to do here am I right? Nate, Gem help me with this paper. With that class dismissed" add Professor Aunty as she finishes organize the test paper and walk out from the class.

Kokliang quickly keeps his stuff and message his brother to pick him up before he walks over to Gulf who's still organize his things.

"God at last! The test over! I thought the test was supposed to be next week but Professor Aunty know how to catch us off guard huh, gosh luckily I was so ready for it" said Gulf as he stretches his arms before standing up.

"Let's go Gulf," said Kokliang as he stands beside Gulf.

Both Kokliang and Gulf walkout from their faculty building and wait for their driver to come and pick them up.

"I need rest like a power sleep after this," said Gulf as he stands beside Kokliang while looking at his phone.

"Okay, that's my ride. See you tomorrow Kokliang. Bye" said Gulf as he walks over to his father's car.

"But.. he'll be here any minute" murmur Kokliang sadly as he waves goodbye to Gulf and his father.

"How's class today buddy?" asked Thanayong as he drives heading back home.

"Was okay, didn't expect to have our test today but it was okay since I've studied for it. Now I need power naps before I can function well" said Gulf as he closes his eyes and snooze right after that.

Thanayong just smiles at his boy while continuing to drive back home which isn't far from the university ground.

"We're back," said Thanayong as they both enter the house but both were greeted with silence.

"Where's mae?" asked Gulf as he looked around the kitchen and the living room.

"Probably out buying something," said Thanayong while heading over to the kitchen.

"Pho, please don't call me until dinner time. I'm going to take my power naps now" said Gulf as he walked up towards his room.

"What about your lunch?" asked Thanayong at the bottom of the staircase.

"No need, I'll skip lunch and eat dinner instead," said Gulf as he continues walking up to his room.

The moment Gulf was in his room, he put down his backpack, head over to his closet, pick his house clothes and then head over to his bathroom without missing a beat.

In no time he finished freshen up and ready to take his power naps.

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