A good morning (?)

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Gulf breath was rigid as he closes his eyes and work on his problem.

"Need some help bii?" ask Mew.

Gulf looked at him thru his hooded eyes smirking as Mew replaces Gulf's hand with his. He starts to stroke Gulf's hard shaft slowly from base to tip as he repeats the same motion.

"M-me-mew!" Gulf moan out as Mew stops his movement.

Mew pull Gulf up and softly pushes him to the floor as he opens his legs and let Gulf settle in between his legs.

Gulf tug Mew's boxer off slowly while his dick free from the confinement of his boxer, it was hard and angry making Gulf licked his lips and slowly he leans to-


Gulf groans as his alarm clock blares as he quickly slams it to shut it off while lazing searching for his phone.

Gulf grab and looked at his phone clock then place it back to his side table while letting out a long groan.

It's been days since both Mew and Gulf have seen each other nor having a physical contact with each other due for Mew away for his work and Gulf busy with his university's work.

He woke up by throwing the blankets off of him while noticing that Gulf's Jr was up too wanting attention which make him let out another groan.

'Why can't it be real. But again if his that big I'm going to die. My virgin ass need a good preparation before welcoming his Jr' Gulf think to himself as he shakes his head off and head towards the bathroom taking a quick cold shower to make his Jr calm down from the excitement.

Few minute later Gulf walk out from his bathroom and he walk towards his dressing room.

He throws on his black jeans, light orange t-shirt and a black jacket with a thin line of white on it and lastly his backpack plus his other essential things before heading downstairs.

"Morning mae, pho" greet Gulf as he waied at his parents.

"Morning son"

"Morning baby boy"

"What's for breakfast?" ask Gulf as he smelt pancakes.

"Your favorite breakfast, pancakes with egg and bacon" reply Ampha as she set the eggs down in the middle of the table alongside with the other food.

"Yummy! Smells good mae" said Gulf.

Gulf quickly put his backpack down and sit ready to eat his mae's amazing breakfast before going to university.

30 minutes later, after breakfast and few chitchat with his parents he heard a horn beep blared from outside at the car porch.

"Who the hell honking early in the morning?! People need to take a chill pill" said Gulf in a grumpy tone.

His parents just chuckle and shake their heads while eyeing Gulf as he walked over to the window.

Gulf looked out at the window and saw Kokliang waving his hand as Mew smile at him making Gulf quickly closed the curtain and looked at his parents.

"Damn those two" said Gulf making his parents laughing.

"Gulf honey, you know having a mate isn't that bad" said Ampha as Thanayong smile fondly at her.

"But I want dad to send me to university" said Gulf while giving his pout face.

"I would gladly send you to your university son but your mate is here and so does your best friend, you can't turn them down now beside they already saw you, you know" smirk Thanayog.

"Nope they did not pho, I was like a ninja, secretively and silent" said Gulf trying to convince his parent but fail miserably.

"Yea right like a ninja, when you obviously open it like you own the world. Open both curtain showing your full figure" said Ampha while raising his eyebrow.

"Fine, fine" said Gulf in a defeat tone.

It was a blessing that he got to see Mew but with his undying desire to jump on Mew is burning like an undying flame.

Gulf drags his backpack with him slowly with his hunch back style but stop as he at the front door.

He turns around and looked at his parents both peeping out from the kitchen while holding their laughter.

"You both suck" said Gulf as he sticks his tongue out smiling.

Gulf open his front door but was greeted by Kokliang nagging voice.

Kokliang was nagging from inside the car with window rolled down same goes to Mew but he just looked at Gulf.

"Come on you slowpoke, I don't want to be late" yell Kokliang

Gulf quickly used his shoes and pull the door, closing it and head out towards the sleek expensive Audi.

Gulf looked at Mew but his mind quickly went south as he remembers the wet dream that he has with him and he feel shy.

"What" said Gulf towards Mew.

"Get in the car Gulf or we all will be late" reply Mew.

Gulf looked at them both and think it's a good timing to disturb them both since his dream is being disturb by that damn alarm clock.

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