Chase Around

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Upon reaching the packhouse Gulf slowly get out from the car while walking slowly as if he won't bolt away from his mate. In which exactly what he did the moment he enters the hall.

As Gulf runs for his life he took a wrong turn in which ended up at his mate's home office so he went straight in upon hearing a pair of running sound that get closer to him.

As he still holds unto the doorknob while taking a glance of Mew who was at the end of the hall smirking at him, he then enters the room frantically but halted his action at once as he saw a horrific scene right in front of him.

Gulf quickly enters the room fully and slam the door as the pack slut flip her hair and stand up presenting herself in front of Gulf as if trying to seduce him but little did she knows that it was Gulf who enters the room, not Mew.

"Don't worry a thing Alpha I'll satisfy you real good and no one has to know that," said the pack slut before she turns around to look at supposedly his target which is her Alpha Mew.

As she turns around, the pack slut pale instantly with a shock facial expression as she looks directly at Gulf's angry face, fuming at her as he exhales a long and heavy breath out.

"Gu-Gulf?" asked the pack slut dumbfounded while froze on her spot.

"I-i-i I'm so sorry Gulf I-i-i," said the pack slut stutter as she frantically grabs her clothes.

"What a fucking whore! You think you can satisfy my mate! MINE! I FUCKING WILL RIP YOU APART" yell Gulf a little as he looks at her, glaring at her murderously.

"Stupid slut! Trying to sexed my man up. That's my job you whore, I can satisfy my mate until he begs me more" rant Gulf angrily as the pack slut quickly exit the room.

Gulf angrily huffed at her and as he turns around he saw Mew smirking while his eyes pitch black making him involuntarily shivers in pleasure.

Gulf then gulped as his mind went 20-100 in an instant so he yelps and jumped back almost knocking himself over at the office desk.

"Mate? Mew? Tharn?" said Gulf as Tharn move inches towards him stalking his prey.

"Tharn?" said Gulf again and this time around he smiles indicate that Gulf guesses the right answer.

"You see ermm, you overheard nothing. I mean you heard wrongly. Nothing just nothing" said Gulf desperately tries to slip a pass through him.

As he near the exit and tried to bolted out from the room Mew rushed over and caught him easily without breaking a sweat.

'This damn werewolf and his incredible speed' said Gulf cursing in his head.

"Seems like someone has a dirty mind," said Tharn deliberately in a low voice making Gulf shiver a little but play it off.

"Mew~," said Gulf.

"No Mew here mate," said Tharn as he smirks at him while slowly pull him back into the room and slam the door shut.

"I know, I was just answering your question" smirk Gulf slyly.

"What I mean is Mew has a shit load of dirty thoughts" add Gulf as he was up against the office wall.

"Tharn," said Gulf as he grabs his arms wanting to push him off.

"Hmm" reply Tharn in a low raspy voice as he liking the skin to skin contact.

'Fuck! I can feel his nong is waking up' curse Gulf to himself.

'Nong, you asshole don't wake up now. Don't get hard damn it!' scream Gulf again as he talks to himself.

Gulf then thought of a brilliant idea to make a small opening between the both of them before he could dash out from the room leaving Tharn alone while having a hard-on.

Gulf slowly and gently rubbed his thigh onto Mew's hard on which earns his a deep growl from Tharn but his brilliant idea isn't so brilliant as Mew pinned himself against Gulf trapping him even further.

'Fuck this isn't working out just as I plan' curse Gulf again to himself as he thinks of another idea.

"Let my hand go and I will help you," said Gulf as he smiles at his mate who was high in his own desire to fuck his mate.

Tharn was a little hesitant at first but upon debate with himself a few seconds he then let go of Gulf as he looks at his mate intensely.

Gulf smirk as he pulls Tharn over to the sofa and pushes him down indicates that he will suck him off.

Tharn was delighted with the idea of what Gulf hinting as he slumps into the sofa and looks at his mate who was licking his lips.

'Nows my chance!' scream Gulf to himself as he bolted out from the room leaving Tharn alone with a hard.

Gulf runs for his dear life dodging pack members like a professional figure skating while he laughs like a maniac running towards their bedroom. He then locked the door while trying to calm himself down from the high-speed chase.

He slides down at the door as his back was against it and waited for a very angry Tharn as he bangs on the door.

"Mate, don't play this game. The one that you will fail miserably" playfully warn Tharn.

'Fuck me!' curse Gulf to himself for not thinking his action through.

"Here's a suggestion mate, be a good boy and open the door for us," said Tharn as he fake growl at Gulf.

The moment Gulf heard the growl he backed away from the door thinking that it will definitely be the end of him if he opens the door so instead of opening it he jumped into the bed and cover himself in a cocoon.

'What have I done?! Mae Pho come and rescue me! I don't want to be impaled by the massive dick of his. WAIT! Why the fuck am I thinking about his massive cock?' said Gulf to himself as he slowly goes insane with his own thought soon after he unconsciously falls asleep.

Mew use his spare keys that he hid at his office to enters the room and he saw an overly cute Gulf wrapping himself inside the blanket in a cocoon style. He then walks over to him and plants a soft kiss before he exits the room and continues with his paperwork.

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