The Greek God

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Gulf and Kokliang stride like a model towards the cafeteria for the following days.

Well for Kokliang situation he did tried his best to keep his pace with Gulf who was walking like a man on a mission.

Well his main mission now was to check their so called best food in town faculty's cafeteria.

They order few dishes that only top recommend by Kokliang before they take their seat and devour their food like there's not tomorrow.

True to the rumour their cafeteria really does serve good quality in a big potion food pack with protein, carbs and vitamins for their student's daily needs.

After the hearty lunch both Gulf and Kokliang head back to their class with a 5 minutes' spare on their watch.

Kokliang and Gulf instantly become best friend, as they talk and spend time getting know each other it become clear that they are a long lost best friend.

---- Few hours later ----

It was finally time to go home as Kokliang and Gulf pack their stuff and waied the lecturer before they exit the room.

"Hey Gulf" said Kokliang as he walked beside him.

"You drive today?" asked Kokliang.

"Nope my boy, my dad sent me and now I need to call him to pick me up. Wassup?"

"Oh, okay" reply Kokliang.

"Why? Do you need a lift or something?" said Gulf.

Gulf was dialing his stepfather when he replies Kokliang and he saw Kokliang waving at someone making Gulf looked at the same direction where Kokliang was waving.

"Come, follow me Gulf" said Kokliang as he pulled Gulf's arm.

Gulf was still trying to reach his father but fail for the second time and he frown looking at his phone while getting dragged by Kokliang.

Gulf quickly hang up his call and put it inside his jeans pocket and looked at the direction that they both walked towards too.

Gulf looked at the latest model black sleek Audi Sedan car that parked at the curb, looking all sleek and in one glance everyone knows that it's an expensive car.

Then the door from the driver side open and the Greek god exit the car as his muscle flexing while the owner looks dangerously handsome.

The Greek god was about 185cm (6'1) tall, sculpture face, black hair and those perfect body proportion literally scream powerful, dominant, alpha and of course like a sex god but that's not what Gulf feel attracted to him.

All he can feel out from him is his warm and safety that makes Gulf wanting to throw his body against him and let the Greek God hold him tight.

As they both standing right in front of the Greek God, Gulf tried to distance himself as much as he can without making it obvious.

Gulf try to calm his heartbeat down before he literally jumped at the delicious meal right in front of him without shame.

"Phi this is my new friend Ai'Gulf" said Kokliang excitedly.

Gulf put on his sweet smile face at the Greek God as he wai and looked at him.

He watched as those arms flex and those hands vein popping out looking rough and manly when they move to return his wai, Gulf mind straight away went to the gutter.

'Fuck me! Those hand veins! Seriously those hand veins. It's illegal for him to have those. He's a walking sex God and now with his aura gahh! Imagine being gently choked by those hands while he fucked me from above' said dirty minded Gulf to himself.

"Gulf.. Gulf?! You okay?" ask Kokliang.

"Y-yea I'm okay was just thinking about something else" reply Gulf as he looked at Kokliang.

The Greek God was smirking knowing exactly what Gulf was thinking. So he just cleared his throat and looked at Kokliang.

"Oh yea, Gulf this is my big brother P'Mew" said Kokliang while pointing at Mew.

"And P'Mew this is my best friend the new kid, his name is Gulf" add Kokliang while both Mew and Gulf just nod their heads acknowledge each other.

"Phew, what a relief. I was thinking that you were going to kidnaped me and sell me well most likely to cut me open and sell my organs for money on the black market" said Gulf with a light chuckle as he tried to make the situation livelier.

"Your ass is mine Gulf!" yell San.

'The fuck does he want from me shitty dickhead San' said Gulf to himself.

Then Gulf heard Mew's growl lowly in threaten type of growl that warm San and that make Gulf's jr got excited.

Mew with his werewolf nose can sniff Gulf's arousal with that another set of low growl can be heard from the same person.

San stopped at his track as his friends pulled him away from marching towards Gulf.

"Who's that?" asked Mew as he growl again in his deep voice.

'So this handsome is a werewolf too, well duh stupid, he's Kokliang's biological brother so of course he's a werewolf' said Gulf to himself.

"I asked who is that?!" said Mew in an annoyed tone this time he directed the question towards Gulf.

"My secret admire I guess you know sometimes people just can't take no for an answer" said Gulf in a joking tone.

"Don't play with me Gulf. Who is that?!" said Mew in an irritate tone.

'Damn a hot werewolf and very possessive. His dick is mine' said Gulf to himself smirking.

"He's a nobody. Just a brat, a werewolf brat who happen to be a bully and I'm so going to punch him even more after this" said Gulf.

Gulf turned around and looked at Mew who dropped his jaw looking disbelief at what he just heard and glare at Kokliang making Gulf glare at Mew.

"Hey leave my boy alone, I already know about werewolf stuff because I happen to be living under the same roof with a werewolf. My stepdad was a werewolf and he told us about it, don't worry boo I'll keep your secret safe" said Gulf as he winked at Mew who looked at him again with his jaw dropped.

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