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Upon arrived at their bedroom Gulf fish out his phone and dialled Mew's number. On the third ring, Mew picked up the phone call.

"Hello mate, how are you?" asked Mew casually as Gulf roll his eyes.

'You fucker think I want to hear those words while you might be two-timing me there with your ex' said Gulf to himself angrily.

"Good," said Gulf as he lay himself down.

"You?" asked Gulf just curious on his answer.

"Not that good, as my mate isn't here with me and I'm dying to go home to you," said Mew truthfully making Gulf smile brightly like Christmas come early.

"Good answer," said Gulf as he smiles from one ear to the other.

"I'll be coming home tomorrow mate so get some rest okay," said Mew in which makes Gulf's smile fade and his anger come rolling in like a wave.

"No, you come home tonight. Don't stay there or else I might do something you regret" said Gulf as he hangs up the call quickly.

"You fucking ass hole want to stay there at your ex's place?! Over my gorgeous dead body," said Gulf angrily to his phone in which rang as soon as he finished his sentence.

The phone rings multiple time but Gulf ignores it as he set it in silent mode and toast it on the ground not wanting to pick the call up. He then takes a long shower to cool his head down before he head to bed.

---- ---- ---- ----

Gulf was asleep but he heard the door unlock he instantly knew that Mew comes home the minute after he hangs up the call in which make him smile proudly at his obedient mate.

Gulf was a little angry and jealous but also curious as what Mew is doing so he peeks to look at the time first in which indicate 2 am then he peeks at him through his left eye and saw Mew straight away went to shower before he comes out and lay beside him and pull Gulf toward him. Gulf smile at his small gesture and snuggle near him just loving the warm that he provides.

At 7 am Mew's alarm was ring angrily blaring all over the room which makes both of them subconsciously searching for the phone to throw it away.

"Morning mate," said Mew as he closes the alarm and shakes Gulf's up.

"Morning" murmur Gulf as he rolls at the edge of the bed.

"Let's go make breakfast," said Mew as he gets out from the bed and briefly kisses Gulf's head before head over to the bathroom to freshen up.

Few minutes after that Mew was out from the bathroom and in went Gulf to take his turn to freshen up.

After freshen up both mates head over to the kitchen. Gulf seat at the table while look at Mew who start to pull out ingredients for their breakfast.

Few minutes into the breakfast making Gulf walk over to Mew and back hug him at the same time inspecting and checking out to look for any love bites or scratches at his back or his neck plus a bonus for Gulf as he runs over Mew's abs and stops right above his nong before smirking at Mew and pull away.

"Have fun torture me in the morning mate?" said Tharn as he turns to look at Gulf who smiles innocently.

"Huh?" asked Gulf in his fake innocent.

"Oh it will be fun to punish you in bed and I will enjoy each second of it, just you wait mate" murmur Tharn as he finished up cooking breakfast for them.

After breakfast Mew head over to his office and continue with his work while Gulf went to disturb Kokliang. As he head over to Kokliang's room he suddenly got chills down his spine as if something going to happen. Gulf then shakes his head and ignore his feeling as he continues to head over to Kokliang's room.

Upon arrived at Kokliang's room he abruptly opens the door and accidentally caught a very hot and bothered Kokliang as he deep kisses his mate.

"Sweet mother of the werewolf, my virgin eyes is rotten," said Gulf as he quickly closes the door before he knocks it again.

"Are you decent now?" asked Gulf as he waited for 5 minutes before knocking the door.

"Come in," said Kokliang as he opens the door for Gulf who remain standing outside.

"You two in 10 minutes meet me at the TV Room," said Gulf as if scolding his son before he turns around and marches towards the TV Room.

10 minutes have past and there stood both Kokliang and San while Gulf was seating at the sofa glaring at them both.

"Explain," said Gulf in his Luna tone.

"Ermm" reply Kokliang fidgeting around looking as if they did wrong.

"Yesterday I warn you didn't I. Wow, you kids really fast huh" said Gulf as he narrows his eyes before glaring at San who looks at his mate.

"Does your brother know that you did the deed?" asked Gulf as he directs the question at Kokliang who's fidgeting.

"Yes," said Kokliang in a low voice.

"Goddess and the audacity for not telling me," said Gulf a little upset.

"Well it happens fast and before we know it, we already mated to each other," said San as he looks at Gulf before diverting his gaze at his mate not wanting to anger Gulf any further.

"Hahaha, chill guys, I was just joking. Of course, you'll have the urge to mate and mark each other as you both accept and open up towards each other. I understand and not angry like at all" said Gulf as he laughs at their reaction who totally fall for his acting.

"Yo-you!" scream Kokliang before he runs towards Gulf.

"Gulf you are such a bully," said San as he chuckles at them both running around the room.

"Okay, okay. Truce?" asked Gulf as he got caught by Kokliang with the help of San.

"No truce, you need to be tickle until you cry," said Kokliang as he begins to tickle Gulf who isn't that ticklish.

"Take that," said Kokliang as he tries to tickle Gulf by his side.

"Nope, don't feel anything," said Gulf calmly.

"Then take this," said San as he tickles Gulf by his neck.

"Nope, still no" reply Gulf calmly.

"Then let's tickle him both side, you tickle his neck and I tickle his sides," said Kokliang as they both tickle Gulf together and still no effect.

"Nope, still no guys," said Gulf as he yawns deliberately making both San and Kokliang angry.

"Here, take this," said Kokliang as he tickles his underarms.

"Nope, dead down there," said Gulf as he shakes his head at Kokliang who stopped his action.

"You two need to have a good revenge plan" add Gulf as he walks off from them and sticks his tongue out before bolted out from the room.

Gulf laughter could be heard by both Kokliang and San as they both run after Gulf who already on his way towards Mew's office, where he knows that that's the only safe place for him.

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