A Good Lie

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Upon reaching the university ground Gulf quickly head over to his class with a 10 minute spare before their class begin.

Kokliang enters the room 15 minutes late as he quietly heads over to his seat while glaring dagger towards Gulf for not being his saviour as he was being chased by his brother.

"Hey don't glare at me like that my boy or else I might fall for you and your brother might fry your ass for that and we don't want your cute ass to burn," said Gulf whispering as he winked at Kokliang who straight away hit Gulf's shoulder.

"Hey, you two. Kokliang doesn't use violence in my class" said Professor Aunty.

"Sorry prof" reply Kokliang as he waied at her.

After the class ended Kokliang and Gulf head over to their next class which is located at the other side of the building.

Upon seating down at their designated seats Kokliang whisper to Gulf, "you are so in trouble after our classes".

"Shush, don't spoil the surprise. I'm looking for it" reply Gulf as he shooing Kokliang before he winked at him while laughing heartily at him.

Their classes flew by rather fast that didn't bother Gulf at all but what bothers him is that the fact Kokliang said that he will be in trouble in which kinda scared him off and he didn't like to be in trouble as his past had taught him that.

"Yes, what do you want?" said Gulf as he still leans over the bench with his eyes close and not even bother to look at him.

"Come to pick a fight again San?" asked Gulf as San seat next to the other bench that located right to his right side.

"No, I come in peace, God knows how you will beat me even before I make a move," said San quietly before he moved closer and sniffed the air.

"I still like seriously don't understand how you can beat me up and you are not a werewolf nor any other supernatural being," said San as he sniffed again the air.

"Are you sniffing me out or trying to be close to me by doing the sniffing action?" asked Gulf as he opens his eyes and raises his eyebrows in a sassy attitude.


"Dude I have a mate and I'm a loyal mate not a whore so you can pack your dirty gay self and walk away" add Gulf sassily while doing the shoo action.

San, "...."

"Dude do you have like other thinking in that brain of your or you just use it for torment other people?" asked San as he sassily bickers back.

"Oh snap San. You can be in my friend circle for being sassy" said Gulf in a commentator's voice.

"Back to your question, why I'm not a supernatural creature or what-so-ever that's because my real father raises me tough," said Gulf as he smiles at the thought of his father.

"Wait what?! So Mr Traipipattanapong isn't your real father?" asked San.

"Duh, he's my step-father whom I love dearly as my own father" reply Gulf.

"How come?" asked San again.

"Seriously San how can you get into this university with that small brain of yours?" asked Gulf as he rolls his eyes.

"Okay let me tell you a story San. When a woman and a man love each other after meeting and they fancy each other, they will fall in love and when they do they will get married, and if their spouse has children or kids. He or she has to accept them as their own" explain Gulf as if talking to a small kid.

"Gulf, I'm not that stupid you know," said San as he rolls his eyes.

"So where's your father now? I mean your biological father... Your own father" asked San again.

"My biological father pass away when I was at the age of 7 years old because of heart attack, leaving me and my mother," said Gulf as he reminiscing the good old days with his father.

"I'm sorry to hear that," said San.

"What's your story?" asked Gulf but before San could answer his phone alarm rings indicate that it's his next class.

"See you next time Gulf," said San as he stands up and walks away.

Both Gulf and Kokliang were done for the day as they just finished their class. As the professor exited the room Kokliang smirks at Gulf and then take a hold on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Gulf, I won't let you escape," said Kokliang teasingly.

"You know I never run away from my trouble or business even so if this involves your brother who is a hot piece of meat," said Gulf sassily as he walks out from the classroom.

"You are lucky Gulf that Mew isn't here to pick us up for a couple of days," said Kokliang still smirking.

"For how long?" asked Gulf as they both walking toward the main entrance.

"Probably a day or two depends on their work. Why?" asked Kokliang as he narrows his eyes at Gulf.

"Was just asking Kokliang, don't jump on the gun here boy," said Gulf as they both head over to the car that was parked not far from the main entrance.

Upon reaching the car, Kokliang quickly gets in the front seat as Gulf automatically gets to ride the back seat in which makes his roll his eyes and shakes his head slightly before slip himself inside the car.

As Gulf closed the door lo and behold the person seated right next to him is Mew who was smirking at him the whole time without any warning Mew trapped Gulf inside his arms.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?!" whisper Gulf to himself in confusion as Mew chuckle in his deep voice in which sent shiver down to his spine.

"Sorry Gulf, I know that you will not get in the car if you know that I'm the one picking you up so I have to lie, I mean we lie," said Mew in coax voice while whispering next to Gulf's ear.

"Well play, all of you, well play," said Gulf as he admits defeat and enjoys the warm that Mew was providing.

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