Always By Your Side

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"You see mate, why did you deny me as your mate and choose this scum bag?" asked Fiat.

"Why didn't you listen to me and come with me when I ask you nicely 25 years ago?" add Fiat as he caresses Gulf's front hair.

"Hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm," said Gulf behind his covered mouth.

"Oh sorry love, totally forget to lose this," said Fiat as he tugged at the cloth roughly.

He purposely tugs it roughly wanting to inflict pain to Gulf as he bites back at the pain that he feels.

"Now that's better isn't it," said Fiat in a sickly sweet tone.

"Yes, Fiat very much," said Gulf in polite but full of sarcasm.

"Now answer me, love, why did you deny me?" said Fiat as he seat on his seat.

"Because my dear Fiat, you are a psycho and I'm not your fucking mate. Mew is my true mate" said Gulf in his polite tone before he spitting venom in his words.


There was a resounding slap as Fiat struck Gulf violently across the face. Gulf just shakes it off as if nothing happen and smile at Fiat.

"The answer to your second question is that I would never listen to a sick bastard like you and follow you or be anywhere near you," said Gulf in a hard tone as he spits a small amount of blood.


"You will never have him. If I can't have you. No one deserves you Gulf. NO ONE!" said Fiat angrily.

Another resounding slap could be heard inside the room as he slaps hard on Gulf's face this time Mew quickly dash over to Gulf but Fiat was quicker as he stabs Gulf's stomach clean before bolted out from the room.

"Fuck bii, Gulf!" scream Mew as he quickly removes his tied up hands and legs and cradle Gulf's body.

"Boo, you come," said Gulf as he looks up at his mate and smile at him while he put some pressure on his stomach.

"I will always come and be by your side bii. Always" said Mew as he kisses Gulf's forehead.

"Let's get out of here boo," said Gulf a little tired.

"HAHAHAHA" laughing Fiat like a maniac.

"You can come in but can't go out~," said Fiat again in a sing-song.

"Let's go bii" said Mew as he picks Gulf up and power walk out from the room.

The first door the one that Mew entered has been locked by Fiat so he tried the second door by the other side of the room and it's locked so they try the other side of the door and its open.

The moment they enter the room they could smell a very smelly smell a smell of a decomposing body that emit distinct odours. Immediately both Mew and Gulf could see that the room is full of a dead body.

"It's a meeting room filled with dead body" whisper Gulf to Mew as Mew walks straight away to the other door.

"Did you like my present?" said Fiat as he stands on the balcony looking down on them while smiling like a maniac.

"Go boo let's get the hell out of here," said Gulf to Mew as they exit the room straight ignoring Fiat.

"Don't ignore me, my love, I thought you like my present?" said Fiat a little angry as he saw Gulf ignoring him.

"I said don't fucking ignore me" add Fiat angrily as they reach the exit door.

Both Gulf and Mew could hear Fiat said "Ok fine, let's ends here shall we love" and he pumps the shotgun and loads a round into the chamber.

Gulf could clearly saw Fiat was standing at the balcony of the meeting room while Mew was dead set on getting them out from the room and shielding Gulf from the attack then when Fiat get to his position, he laugh out like a maniac before he gets into position and shoot.

"NO!" scream Gulf as he jumps out from Mew's hold and pushes him away out from danger as he got shot right on his chest.

"NOOOO!" scream Mew bloodily as he saw Gulf's body slightly jumped backwards from the impact and drop on the cold floor.

"No bii please no. No. No. No" scream Mew crying as he frantically crawls towards his mate and cradle Gulf's bloody body.

"No. No. No. No" said Mew again while crying out loud as he moves in a gentle movement slightly back and forth while cradling Gulf.

Gulf was in pain but he tried to ignore it and whit his last strength he pulls Mew's face to look at him before he whispers his last words.




"Mate," said Gulf in a struggle as he let out his final breath before dying on Mew's arms.

Upon hearing the last statements from Gulf, Mew and Tharn go wild as he howls loudly and brawling his eyes out. At that moment a loud banging coming from outside of the mansion as their reinforcement come.

"Fucking asshole! Why you kill my mate!" scream Fiat bloodily as he goes berserk when he reaches the ground floor.

Fiat was standing at the other side of the room door, he was blinded by his one-sided and insane obsessive love towards Gulf that his sane mental state as long gone.

He was like a mad cow looking at Mew full of hatred as he quickly shoots a couple of time at Mew's direction without remorse.

Tharn growl in a raw animalistically as he was blinded by rage for his dying mate that was in his arm and all he could think of is revenge as he set his eyes on Fiat who was shooting directly at him. He runs towards him and ignores the bullet that lace with wolf's bane that was aiming/ coming directly at him as his target was to kill Fiat with his bare hands.

Upon feeling weaker as the wolf's bane register into his bloodstream Tharn then transforms into his wolf form and quickly bite down Fiat's right shoulder before he tears him piece by piece until unrecognisable like an animal on steroids.

Now half of the meeting room was splattered by Fiat's blood as Mew tear him apart without mercy while his tears flowing down from his face. He then dashes towards while transforming mid-way towards Gulf back to his position which is to cradle his body again and soon caresses his mate's face as he himself trying his hardest to not fall asleep.

"PHO! MAE!" scream all three of their children as they rush towards them.

"I love you too mate and I'll be always by your side" whisper Mew while holding tightly onto his mate as he welcomes darkness into his world while seating down.

Their children rush into the house crying, wailing, howling in pain at the loss of both of their parents.

---- ---- ---- ----

"I love you mae, pho" murmur Thorn as he holds onto his son Tin and his wife for support.

"Mild will try to be a good boy mae pho, I will be a good person and make you proud" murmur Mild as he holds back his tears while silently sobbing and hug his sister who was in a crying mess.

"Princess will be a good doctor just like me, pho. Don't worry I will always remember your ways of teaching us and loving us" said Mai as she quickly hugs her P'Mild and cries even more.

They lower their Alpha and Luna's bodies inside the hole. Buried them together side by side while attaching a red string on each other's hands as a symbol of a soul mate so that they both will get back to each other no matter what life they both are in.

Few years and many more years later all three of them still tell the story about their Alpha Mew and Luna Gulf of how they meet and bout how playful yet strict parents they both are to their children and their children to the next. Their undying love for each other remain living as the story about them pass down from one generation to the next.

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