Getting a lift

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Kokliang was in a giggling mess trying to keep his laughter inside as he covers his mouth and this make Gulf groan at him.

Gulf suddenly remember that he need a lift so he fish out his phone trying to call his stepfather who he thought for sure has abandon him.

1 ring - no answer

2 ring - no answer

"The hell, why isn't he picked up my call" mutter Gulf under his breath.

Kokliang and Mew looked at him before exchange looked and then he asked.

"Your dad still not picking his phone up?" asked Mew

"Nope, it seems like I've been ditch by my own dad" said Gulf in a face sad voice.

"Okay I guess I'll be walking back now. Adios" said Gulf as he turned and wanted to walked away, he heard Mew said

"Nong Gulf, we can drop you off if you want"

"No need, I don't want to show my stalker my home so no thank you" said Gulf laughing as he takes a few steps.

"Come on Gulf! Come with us" said Kokliang.

"No thanks Kokliang. You go with your sugar daddy. I can't be in the same car with you two or I might get bitten by ants" Gulf reply as he laughing out loud and waved at them and turned around and start walking.

"For fuck sake, come here you brat" said Kokliang as he run towards Gulf.

Somehow Kokliang manage to grab Gulf's t-shirt collar and with all his might he pulled him towards the waiting car by the curb.

"Get in" said Kokliang in a forceful tone.

"Geez what with the force my boy" said Gulf as he heard a low almost none type of growl coming from Mew.

Both Kokliang and Gulf seated behind at the passenger seat and talked away regarding about the university's faculty, the food at each faculties and they promise to eat each one of their specialties.

Meanwhile Mew continue drive while keeping an ear at Gulf's voice, taking all those tiny details about his favorite food and etc as he follows the address that Gulf had mention.

"I got one curious question tho, if I were to fight or face-to-face with a werewolf what should I do?" ask Gulf curiously.

"Ermm, you'll be dead either way cause they're faster than any human can be but again with your punch and self-defense you might just and let me said again 'might' getting away from them but heavily wounded tho and let not mention if that person is an Alpha or his beta or Charlie because for sure you'll be dead the moment they attack you" explain Kokliang.

"Hmm then I should keep on causing troubles so I can increase my human power and get some werewolf ass kick" said Gulf in a playful tone.

"Don't be stupid" said Mew in a harsh tone.

"Ah-ah, temper, temper P'Mew. Learn how to control it" a playful Gulf is back as he winked at Mew who's looking at him thru his rearview mirror while who sticking his tongue out in a teasing manner.

"Damn just think about those power that I gain after having a tons of fights with werewolf I'll be like the invisible human and not to mention if I get those badass wound from the fight" said Gulf jokingly.

"Tsk, badass wound could take your life you know. Werewolf have an enormous energy and deadly to human if we use our strength" said Kokliang.

"That's why we as in werewolf have rules that we need to follow and abide by it, if no that person will get a heavy punishment" add Kokliang.

"Okay, okay. Werewolf prince I got it. I won't joke about that again or those badass scar" reply Gulf while laugh out loud.

Making both brothers shake their head in disapproval manner.

"What have I got myself into" mutter Kokliang in a small voice.

"I heard that" said Gulf as he flips his fake invisible long hair.

"My boy, having me as your best friend, your lonely and dull days is over" add Gulf dramatically.

"Yes, yes we will shoot rainbows and use unicorns matching shirt to school" said Kokliang as he rolls his eyes and said in a mocking tone.

"Don't tempt me my boy, I might force you to do just that" reply Gulf as he raises his left eyebrow and smirk at Kokliang.

All three of them laughing at what happen in the car as they reach their destination on time.

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