Not So Surprise Guest

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A few hours later Ampha walk into Gulf room and called him to inform him that they both are going out.

"Gulfie, your pho and mae will be going out for a couple of days to have a site visit on his business," said Ampha as she shakes his son's body a couple of time.

"You hear me son?" asked Ampha while still shaking lightly.

"Hmm" reply Gulf unconsciously while continue to sleep.

"Okay then, get lot's of rest and don't forget to read the memo," said Ampha as she stands up and writes on the sticky note.

Gulf was sleeping like a dead person even when his mother comes in and shake him, he wouldn't budge thus making them leaving a memo notes all over the place.

Gulf suddenly turns his body around and open his eyes looking straight up at the ceiling.

'What time is it?' asked Gulf to himself as he looks around his bedroom searching for his phone which was lying beside him so he looked at his phone that stated 10.45 pm.

'Its way past dinner time and where is mae pho? Why is the house so quiet?' asked Gulf to himself as he gets up from his bed.

He walks towards the light switch which located right next to the bedroom door, he then on his bedroom light and saw the sticky note at his study table.

'Mae and your pho are going out for a couple of days' written at the first sticky note.

'Your pho needed to do a business site visit and mae just tagging along' written the second sticky note.

'Don't forget to eat your dinner, it's in the fridge' written the third sticky note.

'Mae why are you wasting sticky notes by writing it in a different paper where you can just write in one' asked Gulf as he speaks to himself while smiling and shakes his head.

Gulf then walks downstairs heading towards the kitchen fridge and before he opens it he read the sticky notes that were sticking on the fridge.

'Dinner's inside and don't go hungry' written the fourth sticky note.

'Gulfie my boy, as you know your mae and I will be out for a couple of days but don't worry I've called your best friend and your mate to accompany you while we both away' written the fifth sticky note which was sitting at the countertop.

'Fuck! Why you need to call the beast himself mae, pho?' curse Gulf as he read and groan to himself.

'Why can't I just stay by myself? It's not like I'm gonna die starving or something. Geez, they are feeding me to the wolf, literally' said Gulf to himself again while rolling his eyes.

Gulf then releases a big breath and turn around to open the fridge but before he could take out his dinner to heat it the doorbell rings.

Gulf knows that it was them but he didn't want to go and open the door for them because he scared Mew will jump on him and asked series of question that he feels like he couldn't answer or more accurately he doesn't feel like telling him his stupid reason.

The bell rings again for the second time making Gulf standing at the kitchen immobile trying to be as silent as possible.

The third time, then the fourth time and this time the bell rings urgently making Gulf taking a small breath in and out and move a couple of inch towards the front door.

"Open the god-damn door Gulf" said Mew as he changes from ringing the bell to knocking the door.

"Gulf open the door" again said Mew but this time Gulf notice that he sounded tired.

Gulf was having a battle with his inner thought, his brain said no and just go up to his bedroom while his heart says to open the door and let them in so he opted for the third choice.

"No Gulf lives here, you got the wrong house," said Gulf in his girly Scottish accent which of course fail miserably.

"Gulf!" said Mew in a low warning tone which didn't sound powerful like he always sounds.

Now Mew sound like achy and tired which makes Gulf feel bad for his mate and the urge to hug him is overpowering his resistant.

Again Gulf was having a battle with his inner self but unknowingly his leg already moved towards the door and open the door to let his mate in.

As soon as Gulf open the door widely revel Mew standing outside the door looking at him tired.

He looked horrible, looking pale and all of his natural colour that was there seems to be drain from him at an alarming rate.

"Mew?! Are you okay?" asked Gulf in a shocking tone as he looked at Mew concern.

"Hmm" reply Mew as he enters the house.

Gulf instantly knew he's not okay and that he was lying the hummed saying that he's fine is a white lie.

"Do you want some food?" asked Gulf trying to be a good house owner.

"No, I'm good" reply Mew as he follows Gulf into the kitchen.

"You don't want some food?" asked Gulf again as he putting his dinner into the microwave to heat it.

"I'm good Gulf, I've eaten before I come back," said Mew as he seats at the dining table.

"Okay," said Gulf as he opens the fridge and fish out an apple juice.

"Juice?" asked Gulf as he looked away from his cup that was filled with apple juice towards Mew who's currently looking at him.

"No thank you" reply Mew while eyeing Gulf.

Then the microwave makes a ding sound indicate Gulf's dinner is ready to be served. Gulf then takes his food out and head over to Mew who's silently seating at the dining table.

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