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It's been almost a month where Gulf visited the little Angel's grave just to say thank you and sorry for not being able to protect him. It was the daily routine for Gulf where in the morning he'll head over to the river that was at Mew's territory just to look out at the river and place a white rose.

On the past two days, Gulf has this feeling of being touched on his cheek as if the little boy was there so he decided to ask the ultimate question.

"Will you please forgive me?" asked Gulf murmur lowly as if he was talking to someone who was seated near to him.

A few seconds later he could feel a small breeze caress his cheek as if it say goodbye. With a small breeze before a slightly stronger breeze and then back to a soft breeze instantly Gulf knows that the little boy is saying goodbye.

With their final goodbyes Gulf smile, stand up and let go of the while rose inside the river as the rose follow the flow of the water leaving him behind.

'Thank you my little angel' said Gulf as he looks up to the sky and smile.

Gulf then walks over to the packhouse and was greeted by Mew who stand at the clearing while smile at his mate in which makes Gulf blush.

Upon walk inside the packhouse Gulf quickly heads over to their bedroom and lock himself inside the bathroom. An hour later Mew couldn't help but get worried as he marches towards their bathroom and bang on the doors.

"Gulf baby are you okay?" asked Mew as he knocks on the door a couple of time.

Gulf, "...."

"Babe," said Mew again knocking a couple of time.

Gulf, "...."

"Gulf? Are you okay in there? Don't make me knock this door down" said Mew in a hard tone as he bangs on the door.

"Jeez, can a man get his own time alone in the bathroom without his mate banging on it like a manic," said Gulf grumpily as he slowly exits the bathroom and head over to their walk-in closet.

Mew, "...."

Mew keep his mouth shut and quietly follows Gulf while staring at them and observe his every movement in which makes Gulf feel stuffy at the unwanted attention so he decided to ignore him as much as he can.

Gulf ran through his clothes that were hanging right next to Mew's home attire slowly from left to right until the end of the room included Mew's clothes he then come up to his side and slowly turn to pick his boxers at the drawer at the end of the room, knowing that Mew's keeping his eyes on him he deliberately slowly make a seductive action just to get him riled up.

Gulf then bends forward making Mew to lowly groan at his plump ass that was right in front of him as he was enjoying his view while standing at the door frame.

'I see, you kinky man, pervert wolf' said Gulf to himself as he smirks.

Gulf then slowly untie his bathrobe and smirk at Mew motion who slowly and trying his best not to shift loudly as he stand on another foot and lean over to the door frame.

'Let's see if you can keep up with me without having the urge to touch me' said Gulf as he smirks then relax his face into an innocent facial expression as he moves over to the shirt section without tying his robe up.

'What should I use? Hmm, my shirt and shorts?' asked Gulf to himself as he holds onto the shirt's sleeves.

"Or.. ah-ha this one?" said Gulf lowly as he pulls out a black colour singlet a little excited.

Mew then snorted a little at Gulf, who side glare at his mate for doing unnecessary things in which makes Mew to pursed his lips and look up at the ceiling.

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