Sunday Funday

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Everyone was lounging and lazying around snuggle with their mates while watching the pups playing at the back yard together.

Gulf stroll, pulling a cart of icebox that contain pop-sickles and head over to the pups playing area. As soon as he stopped his track everyone stops playing and look at their Luna who overly smiles and grin at them before he slowly opens up the icebox pull out a pop-sickles, close back the icebox, seat on it and eat the pop-sickles in front of the pups.

"Luna~," said multiple voices of pups running to him.

"I want"

"I want one"

"Me too"

"Luna pops"

"I want Pops too"

"Pop? Where's pop"


"Yea, Luna bring pop-sickles"

Different answers could be heard from the pups as they run towards him who smiling while eating the pop-sickles in front of them.

"Luna, pop-sickles please," said one of the pups as they all reached him.

"No, this is mine" reply Gulf jokingly.

"Luna~," said all of the pups with a sad tone.

"Luna you know sharing is caring," said the oldest pups who smile brightly at him.

"Really?" asked Gulf in his suspicious tone while trying not to coo at them all.

"Yes really Luna"

"Yes Luna"

"Really Luna"

"For sure Luna"

"Very much true Luna"

"Really really Luna," said the smallest among them all.

Gulf was having a blast disturbing them while eating the pop-sickles, he just loves to troll them but in a loving manner in which gives him a burst of adoration towards the pups who looks like his own.

"Stop disturbing the pups Gulf," said Mew as soon as he enters the backyard.

"If you want one, I gladly will help you get one" add Mew as he smiles while raising an eyebrow at Gulf who rolls his eyes and slightly groan.

As soon as Mew said that the pack members mostly the male pack members whistle and encourage their Alpha.

"Phew *whistle sound* Go Alpha"

"Dang Alpha"

"Alpha that's the way"

"Alpha my man"

"Oh-ho, Alpha going to bag some tonight"

The last statement makes Gulf feel like walking towards Mew and smack his head but he remains cool and raises his left eyebrow while smirking at his mate who smiles proudly at his tinny accomplishment.

"Pups, do you want some pop-sickles?" asked Gulf in a small voice only for the pups to listen.

"Yes, Luna" whisper the pups.

"Then I will give it to all of you for free only if you march over to your alpha and jump on top of him. All together okay?" said Gulf as he made a deal with the pups.

"Okay, Luna," said the pups unison.

"Wait I have a better idea, let's make your Alpha come here then all of us jump on him together," said the second oldest pups with a brilliant idea.

"Oh my, oh my baby boy you got game," said Gulf as he smiles evilly at Mew.

"Wait I have a better idea, if I may Luna?" asked the oldest pups who smile at his Luna before getting the acknowledge nod and then he turns to look at his Alpha with an Oscar-winning puppy sad eyes.

"Alpha please help us, Luna wouldn't let us get the pop-sickles unless Alpha come and carry him off the icebox," said the oldest pups in a sad tone before turns to look at Gulf who smile and smirk at their plan.

"Gulf, you shouldn't be mean to the pups," said Mew scolding jokingly while walk over towards them clearly not knowing what will happen.

A few meters away from Mew and Gulf dash towards him, before he could reflex and run away he was down with the force of Gulf and the pups as they puppy pile him while laughing their ass off.

"This what you get for being an annoying Alpha and trying to disturb this sleeping dragon," said Gulf while laughing at a Mew who's groaning beneath him.

"Give up now Alpha boy?" add Gulf playfully while earns another groan from Mew who couldn't move.

"Okay, okay I give up," said Mew as he manages to grab a hold of Gulf left butt cheeks before squeezing them.

"You ass hole Mew," said Gulf as he looks at his mate who grins at him before slowly Mew's junior seeking friction at Gulf's junior.

Gulf was shocked at the audacity of his Alpha who clearly trying to make him aroused in which almost pays off as he was enjoying their slow grind.

"I can smell your arousal mate," said Tharn as he smirks at Gulf.

"Okay pups let's get some pop-sickles," said Gulf who straight away detach himself from Mew.

"Yeah! Pop-sickles"

"Oh yeah"

"Pop, pop"

"Yes pop-sickles"

Scream the pups happily as they made their way to the icebox before waiting for their Luna in a straight line obediently while smiling at him who couldn't be prouder at the sight of them being adorable and obedient.

"Oh pups, my pups are so obedient. Unlike their Alpha" said Gulf as he smirks at Mew who was still seating at the grass while raising his left eyebrows.

"Oh mate, you hurt my heart," said Tharn who was fake hurt while holding his heart.

Everyone present there laughing at their Luna and Alpha's interaction with their kids as they lounging and lazying around on Sunday afternoon with the other pack members bonding and have a fun time together as a pack members.

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