Story time

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-The very next day-

"Morning my boy" greet Gulf as he enters the classroom.

"Morning Ai'Gulf" greet Kokliang back.

"After class let's go out for coffee date with me and you need to tell me everything" said Gulf as he settles down next to Kokliang who's playing with his game in the phone.

"I thought it was next week. Can we postpone it to next week?" ask Kokliang while his eye glue towards his phone immerse in his game.

"Don't try to change the topic and avoid it sugar, with me you can't do such thing. I remember everything. EVERY. LITTLE. THING" said Gulf as he whispers and emphasis the last 3 words towards Kokliang.

Kokliang immediately roll his eyes and close his game then turn towards Gulf who's smirking evilly at him.

"You really know how to get people rile up aren't you" said Kokliang towards Gulf who's smirking.

"I'm the devil spawn plus a little rile up is a good thing" said Gulf as he winks at Kokliang who make a vomit gesture.

"Morning class!" greet Professor.

"Morning Madam!" reply the whole class.

"Please turn to page 8, we'll continue where we left off from yesterday" continue Professor.

Few hours have pass and the boring class has ended Kokliang quickly pack his stuff trying to escape Gulf.

Gulf smirk at Kokliang action. As soon as he finishes pack his stuff, Gulf quickly grab Kokliang's arm.

"Where are you going my boy?" asked Gulf while smirking.

"Erm, home? Our class is over. Yes, home! Let's go home buddy" reply Kokliang in a nervous tone.

"What's with the rush?" ask Gulf in a playful manner.

"No rush. Not rushing at all. It's my habit to pack things up fast" reply Kokliang trying to avoid Gulf gaze.

Gulf laugh his ass off at Kokliang's attitude and action thus making him smacking Gulf's arm a little bit forceful while using his werewolf strength.

"Geez Kokliang, you don't need to slap me that hard. Damn, are you marking me or something" said Gulf teasingly.

"Are you trying to make me puke my guts out" said Kokliang as he making the puking gesture.

"Let's go Kokliang, you tell me everything okay. Leave no blank space behind" said Gulf as he drags Kokliang out from their classroom.

As promise both of them walked towards the Café shop that's near their university that serve good quality coffee and cakes.

After ordering their coffee and cakes they went to second floor and sit at the table that indicate and designated for single people.

Both settle down sitting next to each other at the high chair with an overview of the university and the main road between the coffee shop and their university.

"Now, tell me everything. I deserve it since I've save your ass a couple of time" said Gulf as he sips his ice Americano.

"Hmm, where to start. I'll explain it in a briefly and only the important content only" reply Kokliang earning a single nod from Gulf as he continues sipping his drink.

"Me and San are childhood friend, we grow up together and our family is close with each other. You know right, that werewolves always and must surrounded by their family and friends just to feel complete but of course the most important ones are their loves one or more precise their mate" said Kokliang.

"Okay" reply Gulf as he listens attentively.

"Anyway, we were besties up till last year where he accuses me and his sister, her name is Apple by the way, having some kind of relationship but note to you I'm gay. Like I'm straight up gay and you can see it but all hell break loses when Apple's human mate decided to reject her just because of some weird rumors stated that I'm eloping with her. All we did is having a heart-to-heart conversation about her human mate on a weekend gateway with her friends. Apparently her human mate is a jerk. A top class jerk who is a player aka a playboy. No one knows this beside me, Apple and one of her close friend named Ruby" said Kokliang as he sips his coffee.

"Okay, continue please"

"Apple and Ruby caught him having sex with another girl in their share apartment. We still don't know if that woman is a prostitute or his seasonal girlfriend, of course having a gay friend like me is her go to place when she has doubt or any issue anyway she rejects him in human and werewolf way and thank heavens that the jackass of a human mate doesn't know about werewolf or else we all will perish" said Kokliang as he looks outside.

"So yea, because of the rejection Apple's health started to deteriorate and his family use to blame me on that but after listen to Apple, Ruby and mine's explanation they mad because we didn't tell them anything and they wrongly accuse me while asking for forgiveness from me and I don't take it to heart because they don't know but San, I don't know why he just can't accept it" add Kokliang while looking trouble.

"It still doesn't make sense why he would stay mad with you like even his family understand and apologize the misunderstanding between you guys" said Gulf in a doubtful tone.

"I don't know, I did try to ask him but all he said is you are so oblivious to other stuff that you didn't see what's in front of you" said Kokliang as he take a bite of the cheesecake.

"hmm, that's weird" said Gulf in a whisper voice.

"Do you want me to dig out his secret?! We might hit a jackpot which we never know" said Gulf in an evilly childish tone.

"No, crazy. Leave him alone. We don't want you to taint him" said Kokliang as he gives Gulf a stink eye.

"Okay love birds, I won't disturb him" said Gulf as he making the crossed fingers indicate he didn't mean what he just said to Kokliang.

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