Pack House

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The moment Gulf's hand was off from Mew's crotch, Mew let out a disappointed growl and shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"Gulf," said Mew as he growls lowly making Gulf chuckle at him.

"Yes, love?" asked Gulf while putting his fake innocent face.

"You'll regret that," said Mew in a playful warning tone making Gulf chuckle again but softly and more silently.

Few minutes of seems like an endless driving they finally reach their destination which is the packhouse.

Gulf was in awe of the packhouse as he was looking at his surrounding like a meerkat scanning everywhere from left to right.

'This isn't a house but a freaking two mansion that's combine' said Gulf to himself as they parked and exit the car.

As they both get out from the car some people come greeting Mew trying to get the luggage away from him but got dismissed by Mew himself as he holds Gulf's bag.

Mew then walk towards the mansion with Gulf towing behind him like a lost kid but still looking around.

When Mew opens his bedroom door like a dramatic person Gulf literally push Mew's aside and walk inside like he owns the place.

He stride in looking at each and everything touching them like he's the dust inspector making Mew chuckle and shake his head slight before entering his bedroom and head over to his walk-in closet.

Gulf still looked around in awe and scanning left and right, when Mew is out from the shower Gulf, is still doing his inspection.

"Gulf, you can inspect the whole room tomorrow. Let's get some rest" said Mew as he finish change, showering and ready to go to sleep.

"Not yet, Mew, you get some rest. I'll come, give me like 10 minutes" reply Gulf as he walk out from the bathroom.

"Okay tua-eng just don't sleep late" said Mew as he close his eyes and almost fall asleep but woke up abruptly when Gulf scream.

"OMG! Mew you didn't tell me you have a walk-in closet!" scream Gulf as he scream while walk inside Mew's walk-in closet.

"You seriously can make me go crazy and have a mini heart attack" murmur Mew as he continues to sleep.

An hour later after Gulf finish admiring the whole room and organize his stuff inside the walk-in closet he then freshens up before head over to Mew.

There he looked at Mew who sleep soundly and peacefully in the middle of the bed without wearing any t-shirt.

Gulf then admires his view as he looked at Mew who's sleeping soundly while the duvet covers his torso.

He then smirks at Mew and when he take a few steps towards him, Mew change his spread eagle position to a normal sleeping position.

Gulf has a brilliant and evil idea so he tiptoed towards the sleeping figure and at the count of three, he jumped on him.

Mew then mumbled and quickly grabbed Gulf's hips as he was giggling like a small kid on top of him.

"Gulf?" asked Mew as he open one of his eyes to looked at Gulf.

"Nope, his twins Guppie" reply Gulf as he pinch his nose to make a weird sound.

"Such a tease" reply Mew as he pinch Gulf's hip making him move slightly.

Then Gulf grin his Cheshire cat grin as start to move his hips which is seating right on top of Mew's covered dick.

"Hmm, you better stop that or else," said Mew as he stopped Gulf's hips while yawning.

Subconsciously, Gulf yawn after Mew which makes him feeling sleepy and tired all of the sudden.

Then Gulf pushes himself slightly upwards before plopping right next to Mew, adjusting his sleeping area before going to sleep.

Mew then subconsciously pulled Gulf into his chest and covered both of them up with the duvet.

Then a few minutes later Mew unconsciously stirs in his sleep and bury his face at Gulf's neck and fall asleep back.

All the movement didn't bother Gulf as he was sleeping like a corpse throughout Mew's shifting.

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