New best friend to the rescue

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Before he stands up from his seat he whispers to Kokliang in a small voice only he can hear.

"My boy, I'll go take a piss before our date again okay I'll wait for you outside of the washroom" said Gulf as he heads to the washroom and empty his bladder before going to the cafeteria.

After few minutes as promise Gulf waited for Kokliang outside of the washroom near their classroom.

Minutes has passed and Kokliang still can't be spotted. Gulf started to walk around that area but still within his view.

'Whare the hell is Kokliang' mutter Gulf to himself.

'I told him to wait for me. Wait! Did he ditch me?!' mutter Gulf in a doubtful tone.

'Know what. Fuck it, if he ditch me then it's his lost I don't need people to show me around, I'll do it myself then' said Gulf to himself as he start to walk away from that area.

Gulf decided to walk down the hall, looking for the cafeteria himself as he was hungry as hell.

Gulf walked around from a buzzing bees' hall to an empty hall as he still searching for the cafeteria and yes Gulf totally lost his way to the cafeteria because he is bad with directions.

As he further walking down the hall he heard a yelp sound and a smashing sound come from the corner.

He hurried over that way and little did he know he saw that brat the tall handsome guy was pinning Kokliang in between him and the wall.

Gulf saw red at the scene in front of him so he marches over to that brat and stand right in front of him.

"What the hell you think you're doing brat?" asked Gulf while tapping his foot.

"Move. Don't mind other people's business newbie. This mutt need to taught a lesson" growl the tall handsome guy.

"The only one who need to be taught a lesson is you, brat" said Gulf calmly as the tall handsome guy growl.

"Listen here dick, you lay a hand on him I will kick your sorry ass dickhead" said Gulf.

Gulf slightly punch the tall handsome man's jaw that making him involuntarily let go of Kokliang as he clutches his own jaw with wide eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" growl the tall handsome man.

Gulf pulled Kokliang behind him as he gets to the tall handsome man's face then back away while throwing him a wink as he leaves leaving the tall handsome man who looked shocked.

"You okay my boy?" asked Gulf.

"Is he even a human?" whisper Kokliang to himself but caught by Gulf as he laughs out loud.

"That brat is just bully and I've dealt with them all my life" said Gulf.

"Yeah, but.. seriously how you do that? I mean if normal human bully I get it but San? You do know that he is a werewolf?" said Kokliang as Gulf tense up and making Kokliang to slap his mouth.

"Sorry, I think I'm still in shock so please ignore what I just said" said Kokliang as he quickens his steps.

'The hell how did he know about werewolf? So there's a big probability that there are few werewolves out there or out here' said Gulf to himself as he catches up with Kokliang.

"Kokliang my boy how does you know about werewolf?" asked Gulf looking at a nervous Kokliang

"Oh relax, I know they are existed since my step father is a werewolf himself" said Gulf.

Kokliang literally stop dead in his tracks and look at Gulf as he drops his jaw looking disbelief at him.

"Well, my family and I and not to mention thousands of others are werewolf too here in Bngkok" whisper Kokliang.

"So is San?" ask Gulf for reconfirmation and Kokliang nodded at him.

"Still that doesn't clear anything, you are a human and you punch a werewolf. I mean how?" asked Kokliang.

"Okay fine, I've gotten into fights with werewolf before but only like probably the weak ones so nothing really exciting to say or tell to you but I did once get my ass kicked by an alpha" said Gulf nonchalantly.

"Still.. it doesn't make sense like you, a human fight with werewolf. You do know they can hurt you really bad" said Kokliang in a very curious tone.

"I'm just strong I guess probably on a werewolf level but let me ask you first, why San trying to kick your ass just now?" ask Gulf while looking dead in Kokliang's eyes.

"Well, San is erm.. my best friend or should I say ex best friend..." said Kokliang while he scratches his head looking guilty.

"Okay, he's your ex best friend but why he acts like that towards you if he's your ex best friend?" ask Gulf curiously.

"Well, ermm.. he kinda caught me with his little sister after he clearly said not to get close to her" said Kokliang.

"Just because of that?! That's so childish and it's not the full story am I right Kokliang? I can see thru you. So don't lie" said Gulf as he looks at Kokliang with a raise eyebrow.

"Fine, fine.. It's not the full story but I still don't want to tell you tho" said Kokliang.

"That ain't gonna stop me from disturb you, you know until I get the answer" said Gulf in a teasing manner.

"Fine.. I'll tell you tomorrow after school we'll hang out at the Café shop few meters away from our university for now let's go to our cafeteria" add Kokliang.

"Shit! our marvelous cafeteria we can't miss that. Let's go! Damn that San distract us from our cafeteria date" said Gulf as he marches towards the opposite way, away from the cafeteria direction

"The cafeteria is the other way" said Kokliang as while holding his laughter in.

"I know, was just teasing you. Now let's go my boy!" reply Gulf as he pulled Kokliang and towards the right way to cafeteria.

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