Chapter 87

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"How did you parallel park so perfectly?" Maddy asks as she steps up onto the curb.

Miles somehow fit his car into the smallest available spot near the front of the house. This is why it was ideal for him to drive. I would never have been able to do that. I don't even think either of us can parallel park.

"Practice." He gloats.

I grab his hand and walk him down the sidewalk. There were already a bunch of cars here but even more show up when we do.

"Bree! Maddy!" a girl shrieks from across the yard as we near the stairs.

She runs up to us, hugs Maddy, and then me very tightly. I grunt and hug her back for a second. Miles chuckles when he sees the expression on my face.

"Hey Emma." I say.

Emma Fleming was a ball of sunshine at UNC. She lived in the same dormitory as me and Maddy all four years and made it a priority to befriend us. We weren't super close but she wanted to be our friend so badly that I didn't want to upset her by telling her she was a little annoying. I was too uptight in college to call anyone annoying, especially to their face, so I got over myself and hung out with her whenever she was around. She's actually a sweetheart.

"How are you guys? How's Charlotte? How's the apartment? How's your job? How's your-"

"Emma!" Maddy yells with a fit of laughter. "We have all night to catch up! Let's get inside."

She puts her hand on the small of her back and walks her inside. Miles looks at me, mouthing wow, and grabs my hand to lead me through the door.

The last party we went to with our college friends was the dreadful graduation party. It's a little nostalgic to be back in the same house as everyone again. A lot of unfamiliar faces but even more familiar ones. I scan the room to find the refreshments and immediately start dragging Miles through the foyer to get to the drinks.

I swipe two shot glasses from the table. "Have you ever had a Jell-O shot?" I ask him.

He looks at me and shakes his head. "I really don't drink that much. I like beer every once in a while but I'm not a huge fan of drinking." He says.

"Totally understandable." I reply and take both of them back to back.

He laughs and playfully rolls his eyes.

Maddy walks over to us and grabs a shot for herself. "Pregaming already?"

"There's nothing pre about this. I'm game."

"Bitch, it's barely seven."

I shrug and grab another. I don't know why I feel like drinking tonight. I guess because I'm more comfortable to let loose if I have Miles to watch over me. Since he doesn't plan on drinking tonight, I might as well take advantage and enjoy myself for the first time in forever.

"Well look who decided to show up!"

I turn around and face none other than Justin, the main culprit to always get stuck throwing the parties. This definitely isn't the same house as the graduation party though.

"Did you move?" I ask him.

He grabs a few shots from the table and throws one back. "My parents got divorced. This is my dad's house. He's out on vacation with his girlfriend in Fiji."

Damn rich people. I want to go to Fiji.

"That's nice. Not the divorce but the vacation."

He shrugs. He could care less if his parents are divorced. Justin Adams has been loaded since the seventh grade when his father inherited their family construction company. He'll probably never have to work for anything in his life unless his parents get sick of babying him when he turns thirty and still doesn't have a full time job. I guess I can't blame him for enjoying his youth. I would do it too if I was as fortunate.

"Enjoy the party, girls. I'll see you two around." He passes off a lingering glare at Miles and walks out.

I look at him displaying a small scowl across his face.

I gently punch his arm. "Hey! Why the long face?" I laugh.

He looks back at me and grabs onto my arm. "Sorry, I just haven't been to a party in a long time. I'm just observing." He says into my ear.

I never thought Miles was the party type anyway. I don't blame him for feeling awkward. I've been to plenty of these throughout college and I still find them awkward.

I take a look around for Maddy and realize she has already disappeared somewhere. I take a quick glance around the living room, unable to see her Santa hat headband.

"Where did Maddy go?" I ask.

"I didn't even see her walk away."

I'm sure she just went to catch up with our buddies. I don't expect her to third wheel me and Miles the entire night.

The music gets even louder and I'm starting to feel the alcohol kicking in. I know my limit and I'm not planning on getting blackout drunk but a little buzz never hurt anyone.

"Want to dance?" I ask Miles.

He looks over at the crowd of people dancing with their cups in their hands to Jingle Bell Rock. He's hesitant at first and decides to go with me anyway.

I grab both of his hands and drag him over to the crowd. We swing our arms back and forth, swaying to the beat as best as we can. I'm not the worst dancer, at least Maddy says so, though I always feel silly doing it. Miles is amused by it and that's good enough for me because even he starts to move along with me.

This is how I like to see him the most; engaged with the public and having a good time. Even without any alcohol in his system, he loosens up a lot and starts to dance more energetically by the time the next song comes on. I laugh at his attempt to have any sort of rhythm and go to take another shot. They didn't put that much vodka in these. I'm barely even feeling it.

"Don't go overboard! I don't want to have to carry you out of here!" He yells over the music when I come back.

"I'm okay! I know my tolerance!" I assure him.

Granted, I haven't drank this much in a couple years . I've had some beers and wine here and there but I try to stay away from liquor. There's no particular reason, I'm just not a huge fan of the strong shit.

I find myself looking for any sight of Maddy again when a group of girls walk through the room and head over to the drinks. Miles is staring at me, wondering why I stopped dancing with him.

He grabs my arm and pulls me through the doorway to the hall. "Are you alright? What's wrong?" He asks.

I drag my hands down my face. Thank God it's much quieter out here.

"I was looking for Maddy. She got- she got a text message from Ben saying he wanted to see her tonight."

He crosses his arms and stares down at me. "Why does it matter? You're here with me."

Fuck. I knew I would seem insane! Why should I care if my ex boyfriend texts Maddy? I don't have some stupid claim on him and the text message probably didn't even mean anything bad. It's none of my business.

"You're right. I'm being stupid. I don't care really, I just wanted to make sure she isn't doing anything she'll regret."

His eyes go past my head and widen slightly. I catch his glance and turn around to see Maddy pressed up against the wall in the empty dining room, making out with a guy who's back of the head I just can't seem to escape from.


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