Chapter 39

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I furiously pack my bag, blaring my speaker to drown out any sound in the room. My door is locked in case Maddy has the nerve to try to come in. It's for her safety if anything because I think if I see her face, I'm going to knock her teeth out. I'm in such a rage that I almost don't notice my phone ringing. I pause my music and pick it up.

"Hey! I'm sorry I missed your call. Is everything okay?" Miles asks frantically.

I give it my all to try not to cry and freak him out.

"Hey...I'm so sorry. Is there any way I can come and spend the night with you tonight? I know you were supposed to pick me up in the morning but I really can't stay here tonight."

"Oh my God, what happened? Is it Maddy?"

I don't feel like explaining this right now. I'm still trying to go over everything in my head.

"Yes and I promise I will tell you later. Can you pick me up? If I drive I might flip my damn car from how fucking infuriated I am."

I wouldn't do that. I would never hurt myself.

"Of course. I'll be over in like twenty minutes."

He hangs up the phone and leaves me to finish packing. I make sure my music is, once again, turned up to the highest setting to silence my thoughts. I know that leaving is probably not the greatest idea since Maddy needs me right now even if she doesn't know it. There's not much I can do or say to get through to her when she's like this so being there at her convenience was my best way of helping.

Miles pulls up and texts me to let me know he's waiting outside. I zip up my suitcase and walk out the door without saying anything to Maddy. She was locked away in her bedroom so she wouldn't even have seen me. I don't call out to her or text her that I'm leaving. She'll figure it out on her own.

To ease my conscience I sent a quick text to Maddy's mom about the current situation and that I'm worried she's not in the right headspace and could probably use some family time. Hopefully she'll step up and act like a mother for a few days while I'm gone. I have always adored Jenny Hennith for her quirky personality but her motherly skills just aren't up to par with everyone else's.

"All set?" Miles asks, grabbing the suitcase from my hands and shoving it in the back of his trunk.

I nod and wrap my arms around him. It feels so good to be in his arms again. I could literally stay here forever.

He embraces me tightly and I can smell the light spritz of cologne he's wearing. He always smells clean. Even the night I pepper sprayed that douchebag that was trying to jump him, he smelled the same.

I climb on the passenger's side and we drive over to his condo. I'm emotionally drained from dealing with work and Maddy's massive mood swings that I think I'm already ready for bed even though it's only eight. Miles wants to leave early anyway. It would benefit us both to go to sleep early.

"So do you have a guest room?" I ask and set my suitcase on the couch.

He chuckles and crosses his arms. "Do you not want to sleep in the same bed with me?"

Of course I want to sleep in the same bed. I want to do more than just sleep in the same bed.

"I didn't know if that's what you wanted. We've never actually slept overnight together." I say.

He shrugs his shoulders and glances around the room. "We've taken naps. It's the same thing, just a longer period of time."

That's a valid point. We're supposed to sleep in the same bed at the beach house anyway. It won't make a difference starting tonight.

"Alright, well do you have anything I can sleep in? I don't feel like getting my pajamas out of my suitcase. I'm pretty sure they're at the very bottom and I perfected my folding for this trip."

He chuckles and walks to the bedroom down the hall. I take a step to the center of the living room and look around. I never noticed before that every figurine he has is perfectly spaced apart. The bookshelf lined against the wall has three different collectibles on it. In the center was a snow globe from Brooklyn, on the left was a glass dolphin, and on the right was a miniature model car that I couldn't tell what of because I know zilch about cars.

I run my finger over the top of it and leave a print in the small pile of dust collected. Miles comes back to the living room and hands over a t-shirt and shorts.

"You remember where the bathroom is right?" he asks.

I laugh at his bizarre inquiry. I know I'm not here often but I'm not that stupid to where I forgot where the bathroom was. Did he think I was just going to strip in the middle of the living room? I don't even know if he'd like that. He seems completely repulsed by any physical contact unless we're just kissing. I don't have the guts to bring that back up with him though it kills me not to know.

"Yep. I've been here a few times."

I stick my tongue out at him and walk to the bathroom. I hear him walk into his bedroom and turn the television on. I stripped down to my underwear and put on the t-shirt he gave me. He isn't that much bigger than me but this shirt feels huge. I feel like he did that on purpose. It hangs off of every single curve I have and looks incredibly baggy. I look like a blob.

I didn't think it could get worse until I put on the basketball shorts. They fall right down to my knees so you can actually see them below this baggy ass t-shirt. I laugh to myself and walk down to the bedroom.

Miles looks up at me from the bed and smiles. "Hey cutie."

I clear my throat, visibly blushing. "I think these clothes are a little too big for me." I tell him and walk over.

"You're just sleeping in them. They look fine."

"Fine isn't cute."

He raises his brows and grins. "Are you offended that I gave you comfy clothes to sleep in?" he asks.

I usually just sleep in one of my bralettes and shorts because Maddy likes to keep the temperature set to 76 at night so she doesn't get cold. The things I sacrifice for her.

"I usually sleep barely clothed so this just feels suffocating." I admit.

He presses his lips together and sits up.

"I want you to be comfortable. You can sleep however you'd like." he says calmly. 

I want him to be comfortable too. This isn't all about me. I just have to suck it up and sleep in Hagrid's shirt.

"I'm perfect." I say with a smile and climb in bed next to him.


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