Chapter 50

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"Those pancakes changed my life."

We walked down by the beach, back towards the beach house.

I could get used to this walk. It's really not that far and I know I need the exercise. I couldn't even imagine being able to walk outside every day and go to the beach. It might be a lot different to live here though. There's no way it has the same effect if you see it every single day. Then again, maybe it does.

"I ate too much." Miles whines, patting his slightly bloated stomach.

"Me too, but it was worth it."

Lauren and Penny emerge from the trail with their lounge chairs and umbrella.

"We were wondering where you two scurried off to!" Lauren exclaims and shoves her bag at Miles.

He chuckles and walks it down a few feet to set up for the day.

"I told you I wanted to show Bree the sunrise. Then we got hungry so we went and got some pancakes." He explains.

"Right! Oh Bree, isn't it wonderful? When we first moved out here I would literally get up every morning just to watch it. Unless it was raining, of course." She tells me.

"It was amazing. Definitely worth getting up at the ass crack of dawn."

Penny laughs while helping Miles set up the umbrella. A small wave of guilt washes over me. I didn't mean to curse. It kind of just came out. They don't seem to mind too much. We're all adults here.

"If we're going to be out here all day. I figured we'd grill out tonight for dinner. I bought a lot of ribeyes yesterday." Lauren says and reclines back in her chair.

She pulls out a rather thick, paperback book from her beach bag and opens it up to the page she had bookmarked. I laugh a little when I notice she's reading the second Hunger Games book. I didn't think that'd be her cup of tea considering it was targeted for a younger audience. I admire how young spirited she is.

"We're going to go get changed in our swimsuits and we'll be back down." Miles says and pulls me away from them.

When we get back to the beach house, I grab my white bikini from my bag and get changed in the bathroom. I pulled my hair out of the ratted ponytail I had left it in to sleep. Who let me walk out in public like that?

"Bree! Can you put sunscreen on my back?"

I chuckle and walk back to the bedroom. Miles is standing there in just his swim trunks as white as a fucking ghost.

"Did you rub this in at all? Oh my God." I say and start rubbing in the globs of sunscreen on his arms.

He shrugs and watches me. My throat suddenly feels so dry. I shouldn't be this nervous touching him.

"Can I rub this in?" I ask and point to his chest.

He glances down at it and nods. "Yeah, go ahead."

I move my hands over to his collarbone, gently smearing the sunscreen in. I carefully move downwards across his chest and to his stomach. I'm surprised he's actually letting me touch him. His skin is warm and incredibly soft.

"Okay, turn around." I breathe and squeeze some more sunscreen onto my hands.

He puts his back towards me, letting me slap more sunscreen on the top and start rubbing it in. He giggles, I'm betting from that cool sensation that comes with applying this stuff. His back is even more toned than his chest. I've never seen him workout. There's no way that he doesn't.

"You're all good. Can you put some on me?" I ask and hand him the bottle.

He turns back around and squeezes a huge glob into his palm. That's definitely way too much.

He turns me around by my shoulder and rubs it into my back. I squeal because I wasn't expecting it to feel that cold.

"Aw, that was cute." He teases.

I know he's grinning without even having to look at him.


He finishes applying to my back and shoulders and hands me the bottle to finish off the rest. I was kind of hoping he'd do it for me. I'm not going to embarrass myself by asking.

I grab his hand as we start back towards the shore. "I can't wait to get into the water. The weather is literally perfect today."

"Penny packed some sandwiches she made so we have something to eat whenever you get hungry, just don't eat too much because mom goes all out with the grilling."

I giggle and squeeze his hand. "She's so awesome! How'd you get that lucky?"

He shrugs. "It makes up for my dad being the way he is, I guess. I had to get something good."

"Yeah, that's fair. Well it definitely seems like she made up for it. I can tell she'd do anything for you."

He smiles. I'm really envious of their relationship. I try not to complain about my parents too much because at least they are still supportive of me while other kids don't get to experience that luxury. Besides, every parent puts on a front in front of guests though I don't think his mother is. It feels genuine.

Miles picks up one of the boards from a pile next to our shoes. "Want to go boogie boarding?" He asks.

It's a lot bigger than other ones I've seen and has a red background with a bull shark printed on it. I grab the one that was under it with a mermaid tail.

He laughs and nods. "That suits you."

"How come?" I ask.

"It's a mermaid. You're a barista. It's kind of like the Starbucks thing."

I laugh and shake my head. "Okay, first of all the Starbucks mascot is a siren and I don't even work at Starbucks!"

"Close enough!" He yells and takes off down the shore.

I pull my bathing suit cover off and set it down in my bag. I run down to the water to meet up with him where he's already lining himself up for the first wave.

"Hold on! I don't really know how to do this!" I yell.

The wave crashes behind him and he goes soaring through the water. He's laying flat on his stomach with both hands gripping the top of the boogie board. His board whooses past me, all the way to the edge of the sand and stops.

I'm already pretty deep in the water so I wait for the next wave.It approaches way too fast for me to be prepared. I attempt to get in the same position and wait for it. I'm assuming I have to maneuver my body to ride with the wave so I'd have to have the right timing.

I brace myself for the wave and as soon as it passes, I push. The wave keeps going but I'm stuck still. I must've been too late.

My board slips out from under me and drifts off to the side. I go to grab it as an even bigger wave rushes up and slams right on top of me, forcing me to go under.


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