Chapter 49

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By the time we reached the shore, I could see the sun starting to rise over the horizon. Miles snatches my hand, rushing me further down the sand to the tide. The lukewarm water runs far past our feet and up to our ankles. Miles holds me in place right in front of him as the sun creeps up over the water.

I've never seen anything as breathtaking. The sky had started a deep shade of blue and changed to this vibrant pink-orange color, settling to that beloved light sky blue. I can't help but let out an over-exaggerated, cheerful smile. If not because of what I just witnessed, but because Miles thought this was important enough to wake me up for. He was right.

"Have you ever seen a sunrise on the beach?" He asks.

I shake my head and look at him, all wide smiles.

He tucks the stray strand of hair behind my ear. "It's amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah, it surely is something."

He leans down and kisses me gently as another strong current pushes the water past our legs. I wrap my arms around his neck. He grins and lifts me up off the ground and places his hands under my thighs to hold me up, clearly avoiding touching my ass this time.

I laugh and keep kissing him, and for a second I swear I was dreaming. I thought that I would wake up back in my dorm ready to start my second year of college after Selena passed away. I would fake a smile and go on with my day like nothing was wrong. I would meet up with Ben and let him distract me from what I was really going through. I would start my job at Scream Beans and take out all of my anger and frustration on strangers instead of working through my issues. I would tell Maddy how I felt, only for her to respond with even bigger problems that she was dealing with. I would visit my dad for the holidays and be reminded how perfect his life is while me and mom are on another endless struggle that we can't seem to make it out of.

I don't have to live that way anymore. I don't have to remind myself of all the stupid shit I put myself through in high school and college. I made it through that and so far have gotten exactly what I didn't even know that I wanted. I can push my irrelevant thoughts of feeling unworthy and undeserving because I know that isn't the truth. Each new day I'm starting to realize my worth and as cheesy as it sounds, meeting Miles gave me a whole new outlook on life after I was starting to give up before it even started.

No matter how many times I would tell myself that I had a purpose and great things come to the ones who are patient enough, I never actually believed it. I was in the constant repetitive state of work and school where I never used time for myself. I faked my happiness because I was convinced I would never find it again. Thank God I was wrong.

"I feel so undeserving of you sometimes." I whisper against his lips.

Miles opens his eyes and looks deep into mine. "I don't know why you would." He responds.

His chest rises and falls with his deep breaths. He's got to be tired by now from holding me up this long.

"You're too perfect. It doesn't make sense."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm flattered you think that, but I'm definitely not perfect."

"You are to me." I assure him.

"Well then that's all that matters." He says and kisses me again.

We spent the rest of the morning taking a stroll down the beach. He walks me back up to the shops and we decide to get breakfast at Hot Stacks Pancake House.

"I definitely need coffee." I say when we get seated.

I didn't realize how tired I actually was until we started walking. It was all worth it though.

"Me too but I don't think they make hazelnut lattes here, and if they do there is no way it can compare to my girlfriends."

I laugh and swat at his hand on the table. "You're full of shit."

"What! I love your drinks!" He defends and throws his hands up.

"My drinks are trash. That's why I usually take the orders."

He shakes his head. "That is completely inaccurate. I explicitly only go to Scream Beans when you're working if I'm getting a drink because no one else can make them like you."

"You're just being biased." I argue.

He sticks his tongue out and I laugh again. The waitress comes over and introduces herself. She's an older woman with beautiful, silk black hair. She's wide awake for someone working at seven in the morning.

She pulls her notepad and pen from her apron pocket. "What can I get started for you this morning?"

"Definitely want a cup of coffee. No cream or sugar."

She scribbles it down and looks at Miles. "Anything to drink, dear?"

"I'll take a coffee too. Black."

I look at him in shock. There is no way in hell he is going to drink black coffee.

"I'll be right back with those while you're looking over the menus."

She walks off to get the coffee. I cross my arms and look at him with raised eyebrows. He chuckles.

"What?" He asks, condescendingly.

"You know what! You don't even like black coffee. You always berate me for drinking it!"

"I'm up for trying new things."

"Uh huh. Whatever you say."

The waitress brings two mugs over and sets them in front of us. We both order one of the main combinations of two eggs, two pancakes, and a meat. Miles gets sausage because he's paranoid that bacon is too fatty. I, on the other hand, have no problem fucking up some bacon right now. She leaves again to put our order in.

I look at Miles and lift my mug towards him. "Cheers." I tease.

He purses his lips and stares at the steamy, pitch black liquid. He hesitantly lifts the mug up and taps the edge of it to mine. I grin and lift my cup to my lips. I make sure to sip it slowly to avoid burning myself. Cream usually cools down coffee but because I don't use it, it stays hot for a while. Miles takes a sip of his and looks absolutely repulsed. I set my cup down to avoid spilling it when I start laughing.

"I told you! I know what you like."

He puts his mug on the table and pushes it towards me. "Well, I hope you're thirsty then."


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