Chapter 14

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I haven't danced this hard in a really long time. As drunk as Tony is, he's still able to keep a steady rhythm as we sway back and forth to the music. He mouths the words to the song and bops his head a few times, forcing a small giggle out of me from his sudden goofiness. I pull away from his light grip and find his eyes with mine. He slows his movements before stopping completely.

"Is everything okay?" He asks, trying to talk over the music.

I nod towards the back door and grab his wrist. I walk him over to it and open it up. It leads out to a back patio that's blocked off by a cement wall and trees so people can't enter the building this way.

"It was getting a little too claustrophobic in there." I say and take a seat at one of the tables.

Tony sits down in front of me. He sets his phone down next to him on the table.

"If you want, we could get out of here." He says.

I looked up at him to see if, somehow, his buzz had worn off already. His eyes were bloodshot. Little beads of sweat drip down his forehead but he seems unaffected by it.

"And where would we go?" I ask curiously, crossing my arms over my chest.

He shrugs and looks up at the stars. The night sky is exceptionally clear tonight.

"My place?" He suggests.

I let out a deep breath, dropping my hands to my thighs. "I'm not that kind of girl, dude."

He nods understandingly and focuses his eyes on me again. "I wasn't saying you were but I could definitely show you a good time. Better than being stuck here at least."

His voice is calm as he continues to talk with a slight slur.

"Somehow I don't believe that's what you're going to want when you wake up sober."

Maybe testing his thoughts will make him tell me more about himself. I'm not one to be nosy, but there's more to this guy than he lets on.

"It's definitely what I want. You're very beautiful."

I blush and clear my throat. "I'm flattered, really. I just don't think it's a good idea. But, I'll tell you what..."

I grab his phone from the table and add a new contact with my name and phone number in it.

"Call me when you're sober." I hand it back to him, rise from the table, and head back inside.

 I scan the busy dance floor in search of Maddy. I decide to walk around for a bit in hopes of finding her that way, but have no luck. I take out my phone and call her and it goes straight to voicemail. Shit.

I'm starting to panic now but I know that never helps when trying to find your missing friend. I make my way through the crowd of people and head outside to the bouncer in charge of the line that has only gotten longer. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Hey. That girl on top of your list, Maddy; do you know if she left?"

I lift my phone up to show him a picture of her. He stares at it intensely and grunts.

"Yes. They went to the coffee shop down the street."

Scream Beans is closed. There's no way in hell.

"What do you mean 'they'?"

"She left with a boy, I believe. I don't know. I don't get paid enough to keep track of delinquents."

Okay, asshole. If a girl goes missing for real, it's your damn fault for not helping me when I needed it. I take off down the street not caring how incredibly dangerous it is to be out here alone at night. My mom would flip out if she knew. I'm curious if Maddy's mom would care at all.

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