Chapter 23

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"So how was your day?" Miles says to finally break the awkward silence lingering between us.

We had been in the car for fifteen minutes listening to the faint sound of the radio. He didn't seem to want to turn it up. He has both hands gripping the sides of the steering wheel and I'm starting to think he's as nervous as I am.

"It was okay. Didn't do much, actually." I admit.

I could've made up something to impress him so I wouldn't have to start this date off sounding like a boring loser, but starting off a liar would be worse.

"Me either. I went to work and then back to my condo to sleep before it was time to get you." He tells me and smiles.

"Was it a good nap?"

"Swell." He responds and licks over his bottom lip.

I find myself staring at them but quickly turn my focus onto something else. I like looking at him and I could probably stare at him for hours. Too bad we're in a car and I'm actually wanting him to like me. It's creepy to want to stare at someone, but he's fascinating. I'm curious what I could learn just by observing him in everyday life.

"So where are we going?" I ask, gazing out of the passenger window.

"We are definitely getting some dinner first. I hope you're hungry because I know I am."

He drives further into downtown Charlotte. The sun is starting to set by now but we still have a couple of hours to go before it's completely dark. The city traffic is busy as usual and we get stuck at just about every red light, riding bumper to bumper. Miles is patient and calm, even when he gets cut off at an intersection by a minivan who was in a huge hurry.

"As long as it's not something too fancy. I didn't dress for that occasion." I say and look at him again.

He smiles again and keeps his eyes on the road. "You look beautiful."

I can't help but also smile. I lean my head back against the headrest and let out a deep breath. My phone buzzes a couple of times and I check it to see a series of text messages from Maddy.

"Don't forget the code word"

"He could still be a psycho"

"Bring me leftovers, I'll pay you"

"Make good decisions"

"Don't get pregnant"

"OMG that guy texted me! From D&B!"

"Maybe I'll get lucky too :))"

"Date tomorrow :P"

I laugh and shake my head. I can feel Miles' eyes leave the road for a split second and lock onto me. I hope he doesn't think I was laughing at him.

"Sorry, it's just my best friend." I explain and shake my phone in the air.

"You don't have to explain yourself. Is she already trying to get details before the date even begins?"

"Pretty much. She's nosy."

"Or just being protective. Nothing wrong with that." He defends and I raise a brow at him.

"Is there a reason she should be?" I ask accusingly.

He laughs and looks at me again. "Do you still think I'm a serial killer? Why would I go through all of this trouble if I wanted to hurt you!" He responds.

I shrug and cross my arms. "Plenty of serial killers like to reel their prey in by being all romantic and cute."

"You think I'm cute?"

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