Chapter 70

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"You've never actually mentioned your friends before."

He looks at me and shrugs. "There's not much to say." He responds flatly.

"I doubt it. Your childhood seemed pretty chill. Your friends must have been too. How come I've never met any of them?"

He waits a little too long to respond. I feel like he didn't want to say anything else about it.

"They're not very relevant."

"Oh, come on Miles. You can tell me if you had some wild teenage years. Mine definitely weren't that way. I was boring."

He's struggling to hold onto all of the stuffed animals in his arms as we walk so I take a few in my hands, including the lobster. We must look crazy walking around with all of these prizes.

"I have a hard time believing you were ever boring but seriously, they're not relevant anymore. They moved." He tells me.

Why would all of his friends move? Charlotte is a nice city and barely anyone our age can afford to move out of the state right out of college.

"They all moved?" I laugh. "Miles, seriously. You can tell me."

He glances at me, shifting his eyes to the ground. "There isn't anything to say."

I'm getting a little pissed off now that he's only becoming more distant. I can't help but be frustrated with the guy for leaving me on edge for so long and still not telling me what happened after we've been together for the past few hours. There's no point in holding back anymore.

"Is that where you went for two weeks?" I ask.

He doesn't look thrown off or surprised that I asked. He's probably been wondering when I would mention it all night because he obviously wasn't going to.

"No, it isn't." He answers.

"Then where did you go? I'm not trying to sound pushy or anything but you really scared the fuck out of me by disappearing for two weeks and not contacting me whatsoever."

I have to tone my bitchiness back just a bit. I'm getting worked up for no reason. He did really worry me though so I'm positive my feelings are valid, but my reaction isn't.

"I'm really sorry about that. I just had a few things to take care of. That's why I wanted to bring you out here tonight. I wanted to make up for the distance over the past couple of weeks."

I want to believe him. I really do, but something isn't right. He must know I'm not falling for that shit.

"Miles, I love you and I really love being with you but you have to see from my side how sketchy this looks."

He stops walking and faces me. "What's sketchy?" He questions with a raised brow.

I set the lobster on the ground next to my feet. I don't want to talk while holding a bunch of stuffed animals. I should have just waited until we got back to the car.

"You leaving for two weeks, not really mentioning your dad even though obviously there's more to that than I probably should know, which is fine. The guy at Scream Beans who looked like he had seen a ghost because he thought you fell off the face of the earth and you acted like you had never seen him before even though clearly you did because you tried to rush out of there before I could ask what was going on."

All of the color drains from his face. I regret putting him on the spot in the middle of the crowded fair, I just couldn't wait anymore. We weren't being loud. I wouldn't dare make a scene, I just wanted an explanation.

"You're taking all of this completely wrong. I haven't done anything sketchy. Yeah, I had to leave town for a couple of weeks but I told you I would explain when I got back and you haven't given me the chance."

"The chance?! Miles! I've been with you ALL night! You could've explained on the ride up here or something!"

I'm angry at myself for raising my voice but I'm fuming. I want him to know it upset me, especially since he's trying to defend himself before even explaining what happened. Here I am still waiting to know what went on.

"You didn't ask! I thought I could make this a nice night to-"

"Make me forget that you ditched me for two weeks? You could've been hurt or something could've happened and I would've had zero idea where you were to figure out if you were fucking okay. I'm trying not to be suffocating or possessive but I was horrified that something had happened to you! I had to distract myself by working doubles and I even asked Maddy to help me learn how to paint. Hell, I was kind of expecting you to just never come back because I thought I was getting dumped or something so then I was left wondering what I even did wrong!"

He huffs and drops his shoulders. I don't want to hear another excuse or him complaining that this can wait. Something obviously isn't right and since we're already talking about it, I need him to open up.

"Just tell me what is going on. If something is wrong then maybe I can help, I'm just worried about you." I say calmly.

"Nothing is fucking wrong! Can you just drop it?!" He screams.

I struck a nerve. I snatch up the lobster in pure embarrassment when I feel everyone's eyes on us. I throw it at him angrily and rush off but I'm immediately pulled back by Miles' hand.


I whip around and face him, yanking my arm from his grasp. "Don't fucking touch me. We haven't even been together for a year so I don't have to put up with this shit. If you want to continue being shady then I want zero part of it. It's easier for me to move on now while we don't get too far ahead of ourselves."

His eyes are bloodshot. Is that anger or sadness?

"Can you just hear me out for two seconds! I didn't want to ruin the night by all of this bullshit going on in my life!" He yells.

"What bullshit?!" I yell back.

Why won't he just fucking tell me!

"Bree? Is everything okay?" A guy speaks up from behind me.

I turn around to see Ben standing there holding a half eaten candy apple, looking skeptically at Miles. As if this couldn't get any worse.


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