Chapter 94

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I call Maddy while Miles is in the shower. She always calms me down when I'm overreacting.

"You're freaking out because you had a dream about Miles but nothing even happened in the dream?"

"It wasn't the dream itself. It was the feeling I got. It was a really bad feeling."

"It's called sleep deprivation."

I laugh and groan into the speaker. "Mads, I'm serious."

"Yeah, me too. It's a dream, Bree. What has he done to make you feel this way?"

"Nothing but you know our subconscious notices more things than we think. Maybe I forgot something and my brain is trying to remind me."

"Didn't you go to college for this stuff? You're sounding insane. I hope you plan on drinking tonight. You obviously need it."

I huff and pinch the bridge of my nose to ease the sudden headache surfacing.

"Go enjoy your night with your perfect boyfriend. See you next year!"

She hangs up before I can say anything else. I didn't expect that conversation to make me seem any more believable but I definitely didn't expect me to feel this much more stupid.

I guess I'm kind of happy it did turn out that way. I need to feel stupid so I can convince myself that my paranoia is the culprit that I can stop.

Miles walks into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. He shakes out his wet hair and looks at me casually sitting on the edge of the bed with my phone in my hand. "You good?"

I think I've been staring too long without saying anything. "Yep." I respond and hand him over the clothes he brought to change into. "You don't have to worry about being the designated driver because mom said we can just stay the night since we won't be done until late."

He shrugs and drops the towel to the floor. His eyes move to mine when he notices me staring again. I bite my tongue and flop back on the mattress so he can get dressed without my intrusion.

"Sounds great. Is there anything I need to know before we go? Anyone I should be aware of?"

I chuckle and think back for a second. I've done nothing but get along with my childhood classmates. Usually we'd head inside someone's house in the cul de sac while everyone's out drinking and we'd play games until they started shooting fireworks and preparing for the ball drop.

We would always make fun of Henry Palmer who has shown up every year with a different girl since seventh grade. Last year I'm positive he brought his cousin so he wouldn't ruin tradition when he couldn't find a date.

"Not really. They're all super chill. Like I said, we all grew up together and separated when we went to college."

"Why isn't Maddy coming then?"

She enjoyed the block party. She got along with everyone last year but me and Maddy have always separated ourselves with different people so that we could still be best friends with other people we had more in common with.

I still spent most of my time with Maddy anyway but occasionally I would go to the skating rink with my neighbors without her.

I really don't know why she decided to skip out if she had fun last year. She said it was to be with her mom but I highly doubt that. "Who knows. Probably a boy."

"Ben?" He asks, buttoning up his navy blue jeans.

I shrug and stare at the ceiling. "More than likely. I don't care."

It's still weird that they've been hanging out and probably doing more than hanging out, but it's still not my business.

"You sure you don't care?"

He pulls his shirt over his head and sits down next to me on the bed. The long sleeve crew neck he picked out looks amazing on him. The fabric attaches to his muscles just right.

"Of course not. We've had this conversation, Miles. Come on."

I force myself to get up and quickly pack my overnight bag. Miles watches me like a hawk as I strategically place everything I need in the necessary order. I'll always be over prepared but who knows if another snow storm will hit.

"Did your mom like me?" He asks me suddenly.

I zip up my bag and pick up my set of keys from the nightstand. "Of course she did. Why would you ask that?"

He rubs his hands together anxiously. She never hinted at not liking him. He was very well behaved and polite. I guess I don't really know exactly what she thinks but she acted completely fine with us being together.

"I dunno. I couldn't tell where she stood. She was kind of distant from me at Thanksgiving."

I never really noticed it. I guess she just wasn't herself that day. It could've been our rushed plans from losing time thanks to the storm. I doubt the way she acted had anything to do with Miles.

"I'm sure she likes you. You haven't given her a reason not to."

He scratches his head and breathes deeply through his nose.

"Let's get going." I assert.

I sling the bag over my shoulder and walk out the bedroom. Miles follows me out to the car, popping the trunk for me to put my bag.

"Do you want me to drive? You always drive." I offer.

He shakes his head and cranks up the car before shutting the driver side door. I love that he chooses to drive me around all the time. I feel a little guilty for not making that more even. Gas isn't cheap.

I shut the trunk and climb in next to him. He takes my phone from my hand and plugs it up to the aux cord to start my playlist before I get around to it. I laugh and pull the seat belt over my lap to fasten it.

"I knew you were going to do it so I beat you." He says, grinning as we leave the parking lot.

"How sweet of you."

He grabs my hand and lifts it up to his mouth to kiss it. These are the things he does instead of saying "I love you" and I fucking adore it.

"I love you too." I whisper.

He keeps smiling and holds my hand the entire drive to my mother's house. When we get there, everyone is already outside in the cul de sac setting up. Miles parks in the driveway and looks back at all the action through his mirror.

"Damn, they really do go all out." He murmurs.

"That's why I couldn't miss it."

I plant a quick peck on his cheek and get out of the car. I immediately hear a squeal and a girl sprinting over to us.


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