Chapter 97

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"All that's left is us. Set your timer." Henry directs.

I pull up the sixty second timer on my phone and shoot him a thumbs up. "Go." I tap the button and watch it start counting down.

Henry runs into the woods leaving me by myself. When the timer goes off, I run in. If I remember correctly, my favorite hiding spot is on the left. I can't see anything yet but the familiarity sets in and I manage to get down the small slope into the divot I always settle in when we first start.

I set my timer for five minutes and patiently wait until we can use our flashlights. I make sure my phone is on silent to avoid being eliminated right off the bat.

The phone vibrates in my hand as Henry's name flashes across the screen for the group chat.

"4 minutes."

I shove my phone into my back pocket and sit down in the grass. I'm thankful I doubled up on clothing for this event because it's close to freezing tonight. I hope Miles isn't too cold. He's very hot natured so he should be okay. I'm just worried I won't be able to find him.

When the minutes pass, the phone vibrates in my pocket letting me know it's time to start the game. I pull the flashlight from my front pocket and slowly rise to my feet. So far I don't hear anyone remotely close to me. This would be the perfect opportunity to start moving.

I climb back up out of my hiding spot and flip the flashlight on to see the trail. I shine the beam onto the base of one of the trees in front of me to see what sector of the arena I'm in. Two.

I didn't get very far.

I end up back at the entrance and head the opposite way. I try not to keep my flashlight on for too long so I don't increase my chances of getting caught. Every once in a while I'll shine it on a marker to see where I'm at. I'm surprised I haven't heard any footsteps yet. The arena isn't that big.

A branch cracks in the distance behind me. I quickly duck down behind a bush and hold my flashlight up to my chest. I hear a few leaves rustle, then the footsteps. Each step is another crunched leaf.

The footsteps stop right in front of me. I hear a click and the flicker of light covers the ground in front of me for a split second. They turn it back off and I take this as an opportunity to strike.

I lunge out of the bush and snap my flashlight on. The beam hits the figure standing in front of me and I hear an exasperated groan escape their lips.

"You're out." I whisper.

"I know, I know." Aaliyah grumbles and stomps off towards the entrance.

I smirk and start running in the other direction. I wonder if I got the first elimination.

"Fuck!" yells one of the guys not too far from where I am.

"You're out!"

That sounds like Peyton's voice. Did she actually manage to get someone out this early in the game? Maybe we do have a little competition on our hands.

I crouch down behind one of the large oak trees out here and watch Tyler stomp angrily through the woods with his flashlight still on. He's going to be super pissed when he sees that his girlfriend already got eliminated. Peyton laughs and runs off. I was going to try to get her out too but she's already gone.

It doesn't take long before I accidentally witness another elimination. Rayna starts yelling obscenities into the crisp air as she kicks the dirt. I don't even see or hear anyone that was responsible for that. They're really trying to stay undercover and they're doing a damn good job at it.

Fuck, I need to find Miles.

I start jogging down the main trail to the very back of the arena where most of the rope is blocking off the ditch below. I shine a bit of light just so I won't fall and sneak down to the corner. There's a few footprints back here but I'm not sure how long ago they were made.

I sit down for a second to catch my breath. It hasn't even been ten minutes and I feel the air getting colder by the second. The wind is starting to pick up now. It's going to be harder to tell if someone is close or if it's just this shitty weather.

I push myself back up when I feel rested enough and start walking again. Usually I would hide until I'm certain my partner is nearby but since I don't have a lot of interest in winning this year, I decide to actually play the game.

Luckily enough, my next target is only a few feet away. I'm almost right behind whoever it is before they realize that someone could be following them. They take off in the other direction so I decide to make this a chase.

I weave through a small path in the woods that isn't completely covered in vines to cut off who I'm chasing. I move my thumb to the flashlight switch and snap it on when I jump out of the bush, revealing Sandy looking petrified.

Damn, I really thought I was chasing Peyton. This is even better though. Now me and Miles are the only team left and we have a better chance of beating Henry.

Sandy shakes her head and flips me off. I stifle my laugh with my hand and urge her to leave so we can finish the game. I ran off again just in case someone saw our lights. There's only two other people left.

I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingertips. I should've worn gloves to this thing. Pacing around would probably be a great idea to keep the blood flowing. It's just hard to move around quietly with all the leaves and branches on the ground threatening to give me away.

I shove my flashlight in my front pocket and rub my hands together hoping the friction would heat them up a little. I even try to blow some warm air into them but it doesn't help at all. It might benefit me more to just get this thing over with so I can sit by the bonfire.

As if fate intends, I hear footsteps coming my way. I quickly draw the flashlight back out and aim it into the darkness with my finger on the switch. I try to duck down but fall face forward into a pile of leaves built up at the bed of the tree. A light washes over me and I accept my defeat.


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