Chapter 10

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"It's nice to officially meet you, I guess." I say slowly and watch him eagerly pull his phone out of his pocket.

The screen has a large crack running down the middle of it. He huffs under his breath and closes his eyes for a second.

"You really should go get your nose checked out. Just to be safe." I urge after he sits quietly staring at the damaged phone.

"You're probably right." He mumbles and pushes the door open.

He looks back at me as he climbs from the car. I'm thankful he's not insane, but I put myself at a huge risk tonight. My mother cannot find out about this.

"Your phone is ringing." Miles says and points down at the cup holder where the device is sitting.

I fumble for it and answer it as quickly as I can. My location has been hidden from her without her noticing. Hopefully she doesn't ask to see it now. I really don't need her manic overreaction right this second in front of the gentle stranger.

"Hey sweetheart! You usually let me know when you're on the way home. Is everything okay?"

Miles furrows his brows and leans against the open door.

"Mom...yes, everything is fine. We just got everything closed a little later than expected. It's been hectic. I'm leaving now though." I assure her.

She sighs through the speaker of the phone and sucks at her teeth.

"You know I just worry about you working so late all the way across town."

I know she just wants what is best for me, but I'm going to be living on my own soon and I don't want her to constantly be paranoid if I get home at night. She made me promise to keep in touch every day. I love that she cares about me so much. Seeing how Maddy's parents act with her is upsetting and I would never want my mother to not care at all about where I am. I feel like she raised me well enough to where I can keep myself out of trouble. I've done a pretty good job so far. Not considering tonight, of course.

"Mom, I'm totally fine! I will be home soon. Love you so much."

"Okay, I love you. See you soon."

We both hang up and I sigh at the stress of this whole situation. Miles is awkwardly standing there with the door open, pinching his bloody nose.

"You really should get inside and get that looked at."' I tell him again.

He nods and pulls his phone from his pocket. He starts texting someone but I don't want to be nosy and ask who.

"Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it."

Even with the slightly crooked and bloody nose, he still looks incredibly handsome.

"It's really no problem. Maybe I'll see you in the store another time?" I ask.

He smiles and shuts the door without responding. My phone buzzes again and I sigh thinking it was going to be another nag message from my mother. It's an airdrop. I pick it up and look at it. It's a screenshot of a phone number and a name right next to it.

Text me. (704)555-5934. Miles

I chuckle and look up at the window, but he's already gone. I know this won't be the last time I see him. It can't be.

The drive home was excruciatingly silent. I couldn't force myself to turn on any music because I was too caught up thinking about what's going to happen next. Maddy and I are moving into our apartment tomorrow and she's about to start her new job the following day. Adulthood is moving fast and it has barely even started.

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