Chapter 79

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I thought I was ready. There was no reason why I shouldn't have been. I've been intimate with two guys in my life, though obviously not recently, so I excused my inner feeling with nervousness.

I had wanted nothing more than this for months now. I spent way too long thinking about it and convinced myself it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Now it's 11:30 on Thanksgiving night in my old bedroom where Miles' lips have not broken from mine.

He's gentle with me. He's careful not to make one wrong move and asks constantly if I'm okay. I laugh to myself, shocked by how slightly awkward this entire experience is for us. It's like I'm having my first time all over again and I feel like I know nothing at all. I want to act like I don't because I want Miles to be in complete control of this one if it makes tonight perfect for him. I don't know much about his sexual experience but by the shakiness of his hands, it must not be a lot.

My eyes have been closed for the past few minutes. I'm a little scared to open them. If we make eye contact, he'll probably read too much into my expression and assume something is wrong. Nothing is wrong at all. My mind is trying hard to accept this being real since I had spent countless nights dreaming of a night as perfect as this one. I thought I would have hyped it up by now to the point where it wouldn't be how I imagined.

That's so fucking far from true and when I open my eyes I see his head hung down in front of me and his eyes are closed like mine were. He keeps his movements slow and our quick breaths hold their match. I lift my arm from the side of me to drape it over his bare back. Our breathing intensifies again and before any other noise can escape from our lips, I lift his chin up to kiss him again.

He keeps his arms around me the entire night. When morning comes around, I'm worried to move and get up to use the restroom because I would wake him. His breathing is really heavy so he must be in a pretty deep sleep. I manage to squirm from his grasp and climb off the bed without interrupting that peaceful slumber. I quietly slide on a pair of plaid pajama pants left in my dresser from years ago that I'm surprised still fit me. I'm unable to find my shirt so I grab a black t-shirt from the top drawer and put it on instead.

I look at him one more time to make sure he hasn't woken up. When I'm comfortable enough to know he won't be awake for a little longer, I leave the room.

I have no idea what time it is. The sun rose about an hour ago and the hallways are still eerily silent. I make my way downstairs where I hear quiet rustling coming from the kitchen. Lily is by the stove setting out pans and ingredients for breakfast. She must be an early bird like me.

She starts a full pot of coffee and looks over to me, just now realizing I've been standing here for about a minute. She doesn't seem startled to see me.

"Oh, good morning Bree. How did you sleep?" She asks.

She actually called me Bree? She must have slept well.

"Really great. Thanks for letting us stay over. I know you don't really like a bunch of people in your house for a long period of time."

She shrugs and turns on the stove. "No one should be on the road when the weather is like that. It was just to make sure everyone stays safe."

I nod and sit down on one of the bar stools. Their kitchen is high up on the list of huge rooms in their house for no apparent reason. I guess Lily likes to cook which is news to me.

"Do you need help with breakfast? If you're cooking for everyone, I bet you wouldn't mind the extra hands." I offer.

She chuckles and snags the eighteen count carton of eggs from the fridge. "If you want to get started on the waffles, I would love that."

She pulls down the waffle maker from the pantry and puts it on the counter for me along with a box of waffle mix and a measuring glass. I've made waffles a few times with Maddy. It's pretty self explanatory, especially if you're using a waffle maker that tells you when the damn things are done. If I screw this up then I will gladly excuse myself to dwell in my pathetic incapability to complete normal and easy household activities. After all, I'm sure Lily is looking for a valid reason to dislike me.

I mix around the waffle batter in a bowl and pour the amount for the first one of the morning. It says it only takes a few minutes to cook. "Do you always wake up this early?" I ask.

"Every once in a while. I set an alarm last night so that I could get breakfast cooked for everyone. I just wanted to make it a bearable morning since Black Friday plans got ruined by the storm."

I had completely forgotten about Black Friday. I should be in the mall fighting middle aged women over pocketbook deals with my mother right now. I wonder if she even ended up going out if the storm had subsided at all.

"That's sweet of you." 

She glances at me and sets a handful of bacon in the pan on the stove. "I know you were probably upset with the event yesterday. I actually spoke to your father and told him it wasn't the best idea, but he's never been a young, heartbroken woman before." She says.

"Well, it's not that I was even heartbroken. It was just kind of rude. If anything, I would have been fine but it made Miles extremely uncomfortable and that's what pissed me off."

She nods understandingly, passing a sigh under her breath. "I'm going to talk to him about it again when everyone leaves. At least to just put it in his head that he went over the line this time. It was inappropriate and I hope Miles doesn't feel like there was any intention there. George was just trying to be nice since that nitwit screwed up her turkey by letting it out of her sight."

I chuckle and pull the waffle maker open when it starts to beep. I go ahead and start the next one after gently getting the first one out on a clean plate. "How did she even manage to mess it up? Did she burn it or something?"

She shakes her head. "No, apparently the power went out in the kitchen somehow and she didn't realize the oven had turned off so when she went to go check on the thing, it hadn't cooked at all."

I laugh slightly and furrow my brows. "How would the power go out in one room of the house?"

"Who knows! Unless it was intentional and someone flipped the switch."

We look at each other simultaneously. This is the most I've ever connected with this woman and I swear we're having the same train of thought right now.


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