Chapter 7

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Confronting Maddy about the vague text message while she's barely conscious wasn't a good idea, so I knew I had to let it go for tonight. I barely slept throughout the night and by the time Maddy woke up, I had already been awake for hours. She climbs off the bed and grabs her phone off the nightstand where I had left it before walking down the hall to her bathroom. Now would be a good time to get my lazy ass out of bed.

A few minutes later, Maddy comes back as I finish getting dressed. She looks at me and smiles. All of the emotions from last night were gone, unless she just doesn't remember anything at all. I cross my arms and question myself on whether I should ask her about the text message now. It could ruin our first official day of being college graduates and I already have to work tonight. However, if I take this whole situation lightly this could actually be a huge problem that's going to fall back on me like it always does.

"What exactly did you do last night?" I ask.

I grab my sneakers from next to the door and slide them on. Maddy sighs under her breath as she reaches for her sunglasses. I lean up against the door and watch her intently, anticipating an answer.

"Exactly what you saw before you ditched. I was with Justin."

"Yeah, but like...what did you guys do?" I ask slowly.

She raises her eyebrows and faces me. "Are you asking if I slept with him?"

Oh boy. That was not the direction I was going with this. I could care less about Maddy's sex life though she always feels the need to tell me every detail anyway. I'm probably the least judgy person she knows, so I would never tell her she's reckless or anything- to her face. She just kind of is.

I'm starting to think I may be judgmental.

"No. That's not where I was going."

"Then what are you asking?"

If you were doing drugs! What the hell were you doing and why won't you just tell me? You tell me everything!

"It's nothing, I just hope you were safe last night." I mutter and rub the side of my arm.

"He used a condom." She responds.

"Okay, Good. I didn't mean like that...once again. I don't need the details."

She laughs and pulls her hair up in a bun. "You act like you've never done it before."

I roll my eyes and shove my hands in my pants pockets. "That's not it. Can you stop? Let's go get breakfast. I'm hungry."

She raises an eyebrow at me as she puts her mascara on. She doesn't say another word so I take that as a queue to walk out. She follows close behind me down the steps. Maddy's mom is sitting on the couch sipping her coffee and reading off of her Kindle.

"Do you want to hit up Waffle House or eat here? What time do you have to be at work?" She asks.

"Not until 2, so we have time. I told my mom I'd be home around 12 to grab my apron."

She pulls her keys out of her pocket and walks to the front door.

"Bye mom!" She yells, almost too loudly.

Her mom responds with a simple wave as she keeps her eyes glued to the tablet. I chuckle and follow Maddy out to her car.

"Are you good to drive? You're not hungover or...high? Anything?"

Maybe she'll get the hint. She glances at me for a second and unlocks the doors.

"I can drive, Bree." she answers flatly.

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