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"Not your boyfriend, huh?" Grinning, Sonoko leaned against her desk, where she had just jotted something down. "You don't go visit your fuckboy's parents."

Sighing, I climbed down from the small mound she had brought from her actual home this morning. "You seem to be done." Because no sooner was she done than she started right back with her trashtalk.

"Yes I am. Thanks again~"

"You're welcome. You're welcome," I waved it off. When working her stuff on me it was always exhausting, but at least she'd shut up for a few hours. Not that I didn't like talking to her, but in the long run it was just too much. Since my mother was at my grandpa's almost around the clock and Sonoko was therefore supposed to come here, I had her on my back almost 24/7.

At least this time it wasn't underwear, but a white ruffled dress made of smooth fabric that stopped at the middle of my thighs. It looked nice, but it was way too figure hugging for my taste.

"So back to your lover~".

Annoyed, I packed the rest of my stuff into my suitcase before sitting on it to be able to lock it.

"You better help me instead of talking so much trash."

No sooner had I said that than the older one also settled on my suitcase with a plop, allowing me to close it now. After all, in a few minutes I would be on my way back to Osaka. I was just waiting for the 'okay' from my father, who wanted to check something with the car. I had already said goodbye to my mother and the rest of my family this morning.

"First, stop calling him those silly names. Second, I'm not visiting his parents. I'm just picking something up, just like I did with another team member today on the way back from your house. Remember? You were sitting in the car waiting," I reminded her, so she could stop with the teasing.

I had asked Bokuto and Kiyoomi if I should bring them something from home, since both boys' homes are also in Tokyo. Both had let their families know. I picked up Bokuto's small 'delivery' on my way back from my grandpa's house, since his house was on the way. Kiyoomi's family, on the other hand, lived on the other side of town, so I had decided not to pick up his stuff until I was on my way back to Osaka.

"Sweetie, are you coming?" my father called from outside. He was easy to hear through the open window. "I need to explain a few things to you before you leave."

"Coming," I called back loud enough.

I quickly grabbed my suitcase while Sonoko took my other bag without prompting to help me carry it downstairs.

My father explained what I needed to watch out for, how to fill up with gas, etc. Not that I didn't already know all of this, but that's just how fathers are.

I said goodbye to my dad, who was in a bit of a hurry because he had to get to work, which now left Sonoko and I alone in the driveway of my house.

"Risa, I don't want you to go." Smiling, I watched her try to blink away her tears. She's built so close to the water.

"Common, don't cry. I'll be back soon. I still have my last exams to write."

"That's not for months! Besides, don't be so heartless to me! I love you." Before I could say anything back, she quickly wiped her eyes with her sleeve and bam, her emotion suddenly swung around. Now she was standing in front of me grinning with her hands on her hips. "But you know in case of emergency, I'll just come visit you in Osaka. You're allowed to have visitors, aren't you?"

Unimpressed, I opened the door to my car. "You are not going to see Meian."

"Whaaaat?? That's not what I was getting at," she lied in such a high-pitched voice that I'm sure she didn't buy it herself.

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