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Sakusa P.O.V.

Nervously I bounced my foot on the wooden floor while sitting impatiently in one of the armchairs in the common room of our dormitory. I usually don't stay here. But for the past week I had been coming here at the same time every day.

Hinata, Bokuto and Tomas were playing some kind of card game, while Meian and Inunaki were watching a volleyball match on the TV. I was totally out of place here. I didn't participate in the card game or what they were watching on TV. Nor did I participate in their conversations. There was only one particular reason why I was sitting here, and that damned reason took a lot of time today.

„...in" I suddenly heard it muffled behind the door, causing me to sit up automatically. Shortly after that he came in. "Bye", he smiled at the phone in his hand.

"Good night Tsumu," it sounded brightly from the device before you heard it toot. Her voice sounded a little higher than usual, probably due to the speaker. I heard her voice for the first time in a week, and in the three words I listened to, of all things, the name of another guy had to come up.

"What's new?", Inunaki asked the question, which I couldn't say out loud.

Miya put his cell phone in his pocket. "Her grandpa is doing much better. She's enjoying the time with her family." Smiling, he crossed his arms behind his head. "Man, she looks really happy."

It wasn't that I wasn't interested in her grandfather's well-being or her state of mind with her family, but I'm waiting for some other information. Tense, I ran my hands over my hair. Just fucking say it already!

"She thinks she-"

"TsumTsum, there you are again!" Bokuto, who apparently hadn't followed the conversation and only now seemed to notice Miya's presence, waved him over wildly. "The round is over, want to join the game?"

Grinning, he ran towards his friends sitting on the ground. "If you want to lose so badly ..."

"I'll join in this round too," Inunaki interjected.

And that was apparently the end of his report. Fuck. Those idiots and their attention span of a fly!

Annoyed, I got up, because I didn't see any point in staying here anymore. Miya calls Arisa every day to talk to her. Usually around this time of day. Afterwards he tells us how she and her grandfather were doing. Yesterday, thank God, someone finally asked when she would come back. Miya said that he would ask her today and he certainly did. But if he wasn't going to give me the answer, I couldn't care less whether he knew it or not.

"If you want to know more about her, you'll have to call her yourself." Meian's statement sounded so casual as I walked past him that I wondered if what he was saying was even addressed to me.

Without a second thought I left the room.

My room was on the second floor. Another reason why I was hardly ever in the common room. It was on the ground floor, which means I have to walk up the stairs. Climbing stairs is one of the things I dislike most, even though I did it often enough for training.

Once in my room I washed my hands before changing my clothes and lying down on the bed.

My gaze was glued to my ceiling. My room was not very personally decorated. It had the things I needed, nothing more. Decoration is superfluous and only serves as a dust collector. Since I had cleaned my room only yesterday and the entire facility three days ago, I had nothing more to do right now but follow my thoughts.

It was terrible. Maybe I should go back downstairs again.

I didn't like to admit it, but I liked Arisa's presence during the two weeks in Argentina, so I was almost automatically looking for the company of others.

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