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A/N: I listend to this song, writing this and the next chapter. You can listen from the beginning for the feeels~

Three magical words.

How often had I heard this phrase. Three magical words everyone wishes to hear from their lover. Three words that everyone at one time or another desired to hear. Three magical words that can change your life. Three magical words that will make you the happiest person, if said by the right one.

Three magical words.

What a waste.

Those were my three words. Probably exactly the words no one ever wants to hear. Three words that changed me forever.

'What a waste.'

Was he referring to my feelings?

'What a waste.'

Our relationship?

'What a waste.'

His time with me?

'What a waste.'

That he couldn't sleep with me any longer?

'What a waste.' 'What a waste.' 'What a waste.'

Three words. Three words that played incessantly in my head. His hands leaving my face and his icy cold gaze over his shoulder. Over and over again played the event in my head. And each time, another piece of my already torn heart broke.

Never in my life had I felt like this. My body felt numb while my heart seemed to be screaming.

So this is what it feels like to be turned down by the person you love. In probably the worst way I could have imagined at that moment.

All the moments we had, all the words and deeds - he trampled everything underfoot with just three words.

It hurt so incredibly bad.

I had lost all sense of time. Was it ten minutes or already hours that I sat in bed - I didn't know. I probably would have remained sitting like that all night if it wasn't for two hands on my shoulders, freeing me from the torturous endless loop.

Perplexed, I looked up into the worried brown eyes that were trying to study me. Smiling nervously, he suddenly wiped my cheek with one hand.

Not only was I awakened from my trance, but my senses seemed to switch back on, as I could only now feel the hot tears and the spasmodic clinging to my bed sheets.

Again, new tears rolled down my face as I tried to dislodge my already aching fingers from the blanket.

"Hey... what's wrong?" Gently, he now also took his second hand to wipe away my tears once again. The fact that it made little sense, since new ones kept coming, didn't seem to bother him.

His question made the emotions well up one more time.

"Tsumu-" a hiccup interrupted my sentence. But that was all he needed to hear to press me against his hard chest.

"Hey hey, it's all good." Reassuringly, he stroked my hair with one hand while his other ran over my back. His hands were so warm.

I didn't know what the setter knew or why he was being in my room in the first place. Whether he had noticed that I wasn't at dinner and that's why he had come or maybe Kiyoomi had told him something or he had overheard our conversation. I didn't know and at the moment I didn't care. I needed him more than anyone right now and he seemed to know that.

He was standing in front of my bed while I was still kneeling on it. His head was on mine, which is why I felt him swallow.

"Did something happen to yer grandpa?"

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