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Sakusa P.O.V.

"Tōru?" Arisa asked as she turned to this guy.

Tōru; was that his name? More importantly, how did they know each other?

I took a close look at the boy who made Arisa look even smaller in front of him. This Tōru was tall, but not taller than me. His brown hair and eyes matched his appearance, he was rather good looking and he appeared as if he knew that too.

Tch. Another one of those rats.

He eyed her with a smiling, but still confused look on his face - as if he couldn't believe that she was standing right in front of him.

"Arisa, is it really you? What are you doing here?", he confirmed my thoughts. Before the girl could answer, he pulled her into a firm embrace. "Wow, it must have been years."

He spoke Japanese. So that was the Japanese player we were told about. It is strange, I have never seen him before and I also haven't heard of a Tōru yet.

I would like to see the expression on Arisa's face, which I was denied because her back was turned to me. Instead, I watched as the confused look on the pretty boy's face faded and his smile widened.

His hands were moving up and down on her back and I had to suppress the urge to grab her and thus prevent him from continuing to touch her.

"I could ask you the same thing." With a slight laugh she moved away from him. His hands were still on her upper arms, however.

"It's a long story," he said laughing and finally took his dirty hands off her. "Wow, I can't believe you're really here.

"Me neither. So you're the Japanese player we were told about."

"Yes," he laughed again. You got that guy in a good mood, tch it annoys me. "I heard that our rivals are going to have a training camp with a Japanese volleyball team, so I just had to ask if we could join them. I was expecting to see a familiar face, but I didn't think you would be here. So, you decided for volleyball after all, just like I always encouraged you to do." His grin grew even wider in the last sentence.

"Well, it wasn't my first choice, to be honest," Arisa countered with a teasing undertone.

The two seemed incredibly familiar and I didn't like it one bit.

He placed his right hand on his hip and gave her a look that made me want to punch him in the face.

"It's a shame you're the manager of a volleyball team and it's not mine."

A laugh escaped her lips. "Sorry Tōru my applications didn't make it to Argentina."

"Like I said, it's a shame." His facial expression changed from flirtatious to - tender? And I didn't know which one I thought was worse. "Hey, we got a lot of catching up to do. As long as you're here, we should definitely-"

"Arisa, come along to warm up," I interrupted him without thinking about it.

Both turned to me. Arisa seemed to be surprised to find that I was still standing there. While her friend immediately lost his nice expression and frowned at me.

"Kiyoomi?" Arisa asked confusedly, but my gaze was not directed at her at all.

It seemed as if this Tōru would want to fight an eye duel with me and I would not lose this one for sure. But only a short time later he turned his eyes away from me to give Arisa a smile.

"I had no idea managers these days also had to warm up."

"Umm yeah, we don't have to", she smiled at him confusedly while her gaze flitted from him to me.

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