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"UNO UNO! AND I AM THE GREATEST!" Bokuto jumped up and down on Atsumu's bed with arms outstretched, causing the cards that had been in front of us to fall to the floor.

"AAARG!! This can't be true! I haven't won even once," whined Atsumu as he ran his fingers across his dyed hair in annoyance.

Amused, I collected the cards on the floor to give Hinata his game back. "Once more?", the orange-haired boy asked with a smile.

"YAAA!", it immediately came from the other two boys.

"No." I didn't want to play the party pooper, but someone had to do it, it was already much too late. I took a quick look at my phone - not just to see the time. "Your practice starts tomorrow; you have to get up at 7am."

Atsumu looked at me with his typical teasing grin. "Ari-chan~, are you our mommy?"

By the sharp glance I gave him, his grin vanished immediately, and the other two boys flinched anxiously as well.

Bokuto raised one hand defensively and pulled Hinata by the collar towards the door with the other hand. "M-my little sister is so right. W-we are going to go to sleep now, right?"

"Mhmm," the younger one fearfully agreed before they ran out of the room.

Groaning, I also prepared to leave. "You guys really are a handful." I was already on the floor with one foot when Atsumu suddenly grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back onto the bed.

"Stay for a while." Surprised, I looked up at him since he had pulled me so hard that I was now lying next to him while he was still in a sitting position.

Smilingly I put my head in my hand. "'Tsumu, we should probably also go to sleep."

"Yes, I know." He laid down next to me, sighing, never turning his eyes away from me. "But we didn't spend the day alone," he sulked.

My gaze changed from surprised to amused. Yes, we had planned to spend the day together, but Hinata and Bokuto had asked if they could join us. I didn't think Atsumu would mind, after all, all of us are friends.

"Oh 'Tsumu, does it really matter? We hang out together, didn't we?"

Offended, he looked up at the ceiling. God, sometimes he is so childish and somehow cute at the same time.

"We'll have plenty of opportunities to hang out together."

When he didn't answer, I looked at my display again.

"Are ya expecting a call or something?" he suddenly asked, still looking up at the ceiling.

I nervously put the cell phone aside. "No, what makes you think so?" It wasn't a complete lie, after all I wasn't expecting a call, but rather... I didn't know myself what I was waiting for - Oh, bullshit, truth is I don't want to admit it to myself, but I was kinda waiting for a message from Kiyoomi.

"Ya've been looking at your phone all day."

"Oh, yeah? Are you jealous of my phone now?" I teased him with a grin to change the subject. "God, I already feel sorry for your future girlfriend, if you're so possessive with me, how are you going to be with her?"

"My future girlfriend, sweetheart," he said, leaning on his forearms, "will be the happiest girl in the world," he finished his sentence with his typical grin.

I kept teasing him. "Oh yeah?"

With a sudden jerk he pulled me towards him, causing me to lay on half of his body. "Yes, and until I find her, I'll keep annoying the hell out of ya."

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now