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His lips settled on mine again as I smiled and put my hands on his chest to gain some distance.

"Let's continue inside," I mumbled against his lips. Even though I didn't want to miss his kisses for a second, the risk of someone coming out of their room and seeing us standing here was too high for me.

"Let's go to my room."

To his room?

"Why your room?" Confused, I tilted my head. "My room is right here, isn't it? Besides," smiling, I walked over to my suitcase, which was still in front of my door. " I want to bring my suitcase inside. By the way, your package is in there too."

My hand wrapped around the handle, but once again I was stopped from pushing it down.

"Let's just go to my room." The emphasis in Kiyoomi's voice made me frown.

Confused, I gave him a questioning look over my shoulder, which he merely dismissed with an annoyed expression.

Sighing, he finally said with a dismissive hand gesture. "Go on in. You're going in anyway, no matter what I say."

Sure. Especially after that reaction.

Curious, I opened the door to my room and immediately stepped inside. Against my expectations, I couldn't see anything unusual that would warrant Kiyoomi's reaction.

The first thing one saw when entering my room was the kitchen island and the small couch corner behind it. Directly to my right is my partitioned bathroom, which obscures the view of my bed behind it.

Even though I couldn't see my bed, I could see the dim light of my bedside lamp, which is why I walked into the room with my suitcase, leaving it in the middle and walking to my bed, since the only thing Kiyoomi wanted to stop me from going into the room had to be there. After all, everything else looked the same.

With quick steps, I turned the corner and promptly stopped when I saw what didn't belong in my room. Admittedly, I had not expected this. Although- I should have guessed.

Smiling, I walked towards my bed, knelt down and stroked the blond strands from his forehead.

Atsumu was sleeping peacefully in my bed. Probably he had been waiting for me, just like Kiyoomi. Only now did I notice that the two of them were the only ones I told when I would come back. Surely, they had been worried. Whereby it didn't surprise me with Atsumu in the slightest, it certainly did with Kiyoomi.

I heard light footsteps behind me, which told me that he followed me inside.

"Aww look, doesn't he look cute when he's sleeping?" Smiling, I turned to Kiyoomi, who, however, gave me such a scowl that I instantly looked back to Atsumu, turning my smile into a nervous one.

Oh, so it was because of him that he didn't want me to come into the room?

Sakusa P.O.V.

That damned bastard. Lying there and getting pat like a fucking a puppy.

That's why I wanted to take her straight to my room to avoid this situation. I want to have her all to myself, right now.

I still didn't want to believe that I had gone to Miya, of all people, to ask him if he knew anything about Arisa. I had been worried and knew that Miya also knew about when she would arrive. Maybe she had been in touch with him, but that wasn't the case.

It was annoying enough that Miya suggested waiting for her together. But when he made the proposal to wait for her in her room, I unfortunately had to admit that it was the best we could do at the moment.

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