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'I'm here!'

Tucking my phone back into the back pocket of my jeans, I glanced around the train station, searching for a certain someone. Because instead of driving over six hours from Tokyo to Osaka by car again, this time, I had decided to take the train, which got me to my destination three times faster. After all, I would be staying a little longer this time.


Automatically, I followed the call of my name until, to my surprise, I recognized Meian waving across the parking lot. Smiling, I rushed towards him as he approached me to take my suitcase.

"Welcome back." He gave me a short but strong sideways hug before leading the way towards his car. "We missed you!"

"I missed you guys too," I returned with a smile. It was nice to be back in Osaka, even though the awkward part was probably still to come, I was still glad to finally see the boys again.

We arrived at the car in silence and even though I didn't want to admit it, it was a little strange. The fact of knowing that Meian had whatever with my aunt - it was weird. But apparently only I perceived it that way, because Meian was acting just as relaxed as always, if a little calmer than usual.

"You look good," he complimented as I took the passenger seat. "Sonoko did that, right?"

The thanks I wanted to express after the compliment stuck in my throat when he mentioned Sonoko so casually while pointing to the blouse with short puff sleeves and delicate white floral pattern I was wearing.

"I picked that color, I knew mint green would suit you," he grinned proudly as he examined the top more closely. "Sonoko really likes using you as a model, huh? And she was also right about you wearing those crop tops with those high-waisted jeans. I was worried it might look too revealing."

His eyes lingered a little too long on my chest, however, I realized right away that he wasn't looking at my breasts, but at the ribbons holding the top together. "She's right, ribbons look better than buttons."

When he realized there would be no response from me, he looked from my outfit back to my face. "Oh come on! What's with the disgusted look on your face?"

"Wow, never in my life have I felt such an urgent need to change my clothes as I do right now. This is more uncomfortable than I thought it would be," I muttered the last part before buckling up, noticing in the process that no one was sitting in the back seat. Odd.

Meian buckled up as well before starting the car. "You're making it more awkward than it is."

"Imagine me dating your uncle and giving him advice on how to dress you," I countered, though he was probably right in what he said. Well, it was weird and awkward.

"My uncle is 55."

"Uhh... yah? Imagine that!?"

Despite my statement, the captain started laughing. "Yeah, yeah, I get that it must be weird for you. But..." He hesitated for a moment. "It doesn't really bother you, does it? That she and I are getting to know each other?" Even though Meian continued to gaze cheerfully at the road, I heard a worried undertone resonate in his voice.

Rolling my eyes, I also looked down the street, but couldn't help smiling. As if it could bother me to see the two of them looking so happy talking about the other. Yes, it was awkward to have someone who treated you like a little sister suddenly starting something with my sister-aunt, but that is how life works and I certainly wouldn't stand in the way of the two of them just because I felt a little uncomfortable by it.

"Of course not," I replied, therefore.

"Whew." Meian exhaled in relief. "Your opinion seems to be important to her. I know she'd send me packing if you weren't comfortable with this."

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now