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Warning!: This is going to be looong and   k i n k y (well I think it is lol)!

Shocked, I looked at the boy who was sitting at the end of my bed with his arms bent, head in his hands. He seemed as if he was deeply immersed in thoughts. So deep that he had not even noticed I entered the room.

"Kiyoomi, what are you doing here?"

Surprised, he looked up. Head a little red from the position he had been sitting in until just now. He was not wearing a mask.

His surprised expression had already disappeared when his dark eyes looked into mine.

"You are back," he stated the obvious.

I tried to make a rhyme out of it, but with the best will in the world I couldn't think of a meaningful reason why he was here. How did he even get into my room?

"How did you get in here?"

Kiyoomi turned his eyes away from me, rising with a sigh. "Does it really matter?"

"Umm, yeah?", I uncertainly asked the counter question, which actually shouldn't have been one, but sounded like one because I was too nervous. I simply felt overwhelmed by the situation. What was he doing here?

He did not answer me. He did not even look at me.

Sighing, I put my bag aside and was about to take off the light jacket I had put on after dinner, since it was getting cooler, despite the high temperatures during the day, at night.

"Was that the ex you told me about?"

Surprised, I paused in my movement before stripping the jacket from my arms and placing it over the armchair next to me.

"Is that why you came in here?" I asked with one hand on my hip.

A deep sigh escaped him. "Why don't you just answer my question?"

"Why don't you answer my questions," I asked him the counter-question, stressing 'you' and 'my', before stubbornly crossing my arms over my chest.

I might appear cool and calm on the outside, but inside I was intimidated by the dark gaze Kiyoomi was giving me.

"Tch. I don't need your answer." He also crossed his arms in front of his chest: "It is obvious that this greasy guy is your ex."

"If you say so." With all my strength I tried to keep my indifferent look.

Actually, I didn't mind telling Kiyoomi about Tōru. I didn't want to make a secret of it, why should I? But I disliked the attitude he gave me. He just came into my room out of the blue and tried to interrogate me? Besides, I was still a bit angry about his behaviour back in the gym.

"I don't say so, I know so," he exclaimed smugly.

"Well, then."

The point of this conversation just didn't want to become apparent to me. Annoyed, I turned away from him to get a drink from the mini fridge behind the partition.

"There are two kinds of looks when a man is interested in a woman." His steps had not been audible, but I knew from his loud and clear voice that he had followed me. Rolling my eyes, I ignored his statement, opened the refrigerator and decided to get some water.

"Either it's the 'I'd like to know what you look like under these clothes' look, the rat always gives you, or it's the 'I already know what you look like under these clothes' look that this creep was giving you.

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now