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Lying on my stomach, I tried to blink away the sun's rays that were trying to squeeze under my eyelids. However, I was already awake. My body felt like it was being rolled over. Trying to rub my eyes made my muscles cry out.

Instantly, I wrenched my eyes open as memories of last night came to mind along with the soreness. I rolled over onto my back, letting my gaze wander around Kiyoomi's room.

I fell asleep.

Tired, I sat up and realized that Kiyoomi wasn't lying next to me. I stretched a bit to take a look at the sofa, which the tense muscles in my legs did not approve of. I wouldn't think so, but there was the possibility that he didn't want to sleep on the same bed with me. But judging by the empty couch, he didn't seem to be lying there either... But it seemed that he wasn't here in the first place.

A glance at his digital clock on the nightstand told me that it was only 7 AM. Groaning, I let myself fall back into the pillows.

Ugh. Way too early for the only day off we have all week.

From the air that rose from the pillow as I lay back down, a piece of paper suddenly swirled from the nightstand.

Curious, I sat up again before bending down to pick up the piece of paper.

In neat handwriting it said, 'Am jogging. You'll find your clean clothes and a new toothbrush in the bathroom. I made Tamagoyaki, eat something before you go.'

Smiling, I put the note back. His food had tasted so good last night that I was only too eager to try the breakfast. However, I should get back to my room before Atsumu would wake up and wonder where I was.

Barefoot, I trudged to the bathroom. My clothes were lying on the large washcloth, along with a toothbrush that was still wrapped. Next to it lay a toothpaste tube that Kiyoomi had surely left outside just for me.

Somehow, I feel like I'm in a hotel...

Without wasting another thought, I opened the toothbrush, threw the package into the trash can under the sink and put some of the toothpaste on it. Putting the toothbrush in my mouth, I immediately noticed a slight burning sensation, after a few seconds of scrubbing, it got a little stronger and a sharp taste spread through my mouth. The longer I brushed, the worse it got, which is why I tried to brush my teeth thoroughly as fast as I could.


With a frown, I spit out the rest and immediately rinsed my mouth. The water in my mouth felt incredibly cold.

"God Kiyoomi, this taste disgusting," I whined to myself before rinsing my mouth again.

"Oh, you think so?"

Shocked, I pulled up and immediately turned around. Kiyoomi was standing in front of me dressed in black sportswear and a slight build-up of sweat. One of his headphones was still hanging in his ear, the other was in his hand, as he had surely just taken it off.

He eyed me briefly before he also took off the other earphone, moving closer to me. My lower back was already touching the sink when he reached out his hand for me. But instead of touching me, he reached past.

"Waste of water. Besides, you're wetting my whole sink," he said monotonously. Thoroughly, he washed his hands before turning off the faucet.

Dumbfounded, I blinked up at him. I hadn't heard him come in at all.

Kiyoomi dried his hands while his gaze met mine from the mirror. Without breaking eye contact, he took the toothpaste and stowed it back in his bathroom cabinet. "Anti-bacterial toothpaste."

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now