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A/N: Angst in the last chapter? lol.

Sakusa P.O.V.

Arisa has not been talking to me for the past two days. Not talking to me was a nice way of putting it, because in fact she simply ignored me. She hadn't been in practice either. It was already clear that she couldn't come on Monday, because she had already announced that she would do her analysis of the players. But it was unusual that she wasn't there on Tuesday, which means today, either. She said she would need a little longer this time because she wants to analyse players from the other teams as well, so we can better assess them. Actually unnecessary, because we won't see them again after this week. It was just an excuse not to come to practice.

Oikawa wasn't at practice yesterday either. The thought of the two of them possibly having met, had almost driven me crazy. But he was back today. He also ignored me - not that he had paid much attention to me in the past. His face didn't look as bad as I remembered, but I still got the whiff of a bad conscience.

Her ignoring me was not just pure imagination. Last night I wanted to talk to her and stood outside her room. I didn't want to use the room card, so I knocked. When I suddenly heard footsteps in the hallway and turned around, I saw her coming from the direction in which Miya's room was lying. She walked towards me, opened her room and closed the door in front of my face without even looking at me or talking to me. It was as if I hadn't even been standing there. 

Meian asked me today if I was okay. I didn't need his insinuations to know that I had been playing badly since yesterday. My mind was elsewhere and I couldn't concentrate.

The team hadn't done any extra training today and nobody wanted to go out, so we all agreed on having dinner together at the hotel.

To be honest, I didn't care where I ate, but maybe she would come too. So I stayed and waited.

I took one of the warm plates in my hand to fill it with food at the lavish buffet when I saw a small person coming towards us out of the corner of my eye.

"Ari-chan~ I missed you! Will ya come along tomorrow?"

Since Miya approached her, I had a reason to look at her.  She was standing next to him in shorts and a sweatshirt. Her hair looked a bit dishevelled and in general she looked tired, as if she had really worked a lot. Which she certainly did. Whether she did it to avoid me or not, she is much too conscientious to sit lazily in her room.

"Yes, I think so. I'm finally done with the reports," she answered him, her look on her cell phone, but its display was black. She doesn't seem to have noticed me.

"Oh, that's why ya didn't answer me! Yer phone's off. I thought ya ignored me." Laughing out loud Miya wrapped his arm around her shoulder and I had trouble not throwing the plate in my hand after his head.

"To be honest, I turned it off because of you," Arisa said annoyed and pushed his arm away. "The notifications distracted me. And don't you actually have to concentrate on your practice instead of texting me?" Rebuking, she snapped her finger against his forehead.

"Then come back to practise," he whined back, while she looked at her now glowing display.

"I've... told you", she looked distracted at her display. "I told you I'll be back tomorrow," she said against her cell phone. But her voice sounded absent and her eyebrows were drawn together - as if she had seen something that wasn't supposed to be there.

"Yes ~ I am looking forward to it!" Miya this idiot doesn't seem to notice her absent attitude. So much for their good friendship. Tch.

"Umm I'll be right back for dinner. My mother has tried to reach me... a few times. I'll call her back and be right back."

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