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Sakusa P.O.V.

Sluggishly, I dragged myself into the gym, from where the squeaking under the soles and the bouncing of balls on the gym floor could already be heard from afar.

I was on time. Right on time, to be honest, which was very unusual for me. Usually, I showed up at least half an hour earlier to warm up properly. However, not today, since I was tired. Very tired.

I hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep all night. Arisa's words kept echoing in my head. Not only that. Her look when I had given her my answer. Her eyes wouldn't let me sleep.

As the first rays of sunlight flashed through my curtains, I had decided to go for a jog. Thanks to the season, much earlier than I would have otherwise. When I was freshly showered afterwards at half past six in my bed, the tiredness overwhelmed me. Luckily, I had managed to set an alarm clock. Thus, I came without breakfast, but at least on time for practice. I didn't feel like eating at the moment anyway.

As if automatically, my eyes wandered through the hall, looking for a person. However, I could not see her. It was no wonder, I had already expected that she wouldn't come today. She was not obliged to be present at every practice. Not knowing whether her absence should reassure or worry me, however, my long pondering was taken away when the coach addressed me.

"Good morning Sakusa! I was beginning to think you weren't coming," he laughed at his own joke.

"Good morning," I replied monotonously.

"Please go warm up, the others are already ready."

Nodding, I walked towards an empty spot until I heard him mutter something else under his breath.

"All that's missing is Miya."

I stopped instantly. Yet not only me, but also my heart seemed to stop for a moment. Hundreds of thoughts and scenarios flashed through my mind so quickly and wildly that I felt dizzy, and before I was even aware of it, I turned on my heel, heading back the way I had just come from.

"Sakusa," Coach called after me, visibly confused - after all, I had just gotten here. "Where are you going?"

"Getting Miya," I replied simply as I continued walking.

"I can do that." I hadn't realized that Bokuto was standing next to me before he placed his hand firmly on my shoulder, preventing me from walking. "You just got here Omi!" he called out in a good mood. Nevertheless, I slapped his hand away.

"I have to go back up anyway. I've forgotten something", I lied, continuing to walk without waiting for further objections.

The path from the main building to the west wing never seemed longer to me. Unavoidably, the worst scenarios clouded my mind. The fact that Miya had overslept didn't even occur to me. The absence of both he and Arisa at the same time was more than clear. That both were missing could not be a coincidence. Even though every fiber in my body hoped for it.

I stepped through the large, heavy, shaded glass doors that led to our dormitories. Taking two steps at a time, I was on her floor in no time. And as if waiting for it, Miya was just closing Arisa's door behind him.

The sight made me pause on the spot while my heart jumped out of my mouth.

Sleepily, the blond frantically ran his hands over his face and hair, ruffling it even more. He mumbled incomprehensible things to himself before looking up to notice me.

His movements, which had been hectic until just now, stopped and were replaced by a broad smile. He was about to start speaking, but I interrupted him with a scowl as my feet moved towards him.

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