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A/N: Sorry to everybody reading this again. I had to delet the chapter und upload it again since I can't upload once without wattpad losing it's shit.

Kuroo was right. In the small, cozy fish house, to which we had to take two stops by train, was relatively quiet. Except for two other tables, which consisted of two opposing lightly padded, dark-wood benches that could fit a maximum of two people and a wooden table in the middle, the restaurant was empty. While the two groups were seated more at the entrance of the restaurant, Kuroo had chosen a seat further back.

Not only the fact that my companion was greeted warmly by everyone upon entering the fish house, but also the fact that the waitress had only come to take my order, since she already knew what Kuroo would like, told me that he came here quite often. In addition, the waitress asked where he left 'Kenma'. Whereupon Kuroo said he would bring him the next time he got him out of his dark cave.

On Kuroo's recommendation, I had decided on salmon. He said something about docosahexaenoic acid or whatnot.

Admittedly, Kuroo knew how to strike up conversations, how to lighten the mood, and how to easily steer the conversation in the direction he wanted to go. All along the way I had been nervous of his questions, however, it didn't even get that far. Instead, Kuroo had told me more about him during our lunch. So far, I learned that he was 24 years old, went to Nekoma High School, and had played volleyball up until that point. Meanwhile, he was still doing it only as a hobby while he was almost finishing his studies to fulfill his wish to work in the sports promotion department of the volleyball association. He said he had had to think long between the study subjects, since he was also very interested in chemistry. However, he had finally decided on his current course of study in order to 'stay close to his hobby'.

Besides Bokuto, he also knows Hinata from several training camps; as well as Atsumu and Kiyoomi, who had participated in Nationals the same year as him.

I tried to act as normal as I could once, he mentioned Kiyoomi's name. However, it annoyed me that his name alone upset me that much.

He asked me a lot of questions about my family, my studies, my hobbies and so on, which meant he learned at least as much about me as I did about him, so the topic wasn't just about volleyball - which was a nice change.

"Wait - you went to the same high school as that snake bastard?!" Kuroo's indignation immediately changed to annoyance - probably said 'snake bastard' and he didn't have a good relationship. "No wait a minute." Thoughtfully, he tapped his chin with a finger. "You said you were twenty-one, so that means you didn't enter high school until after that snake had already graduated." Smiling arrogantly, he leaned back into the wooden bench. "Lucky you."

"Volleyball?", I asked, to which he nodded.

"They cheated all the time in matches. None of them were good opponents."

"You volleyball players are pretty familial huh? Everyone seems to know everyone." I found the fact that Tōru and Hinata already knew each other equally surprising. They were all networked together, which was probably the same with every other athletic club.

Humming in agreement, Kuroo propped his head up on his free hand as he used the chopsticks in his other hand to polish off the last bit of food off his plate.

"Yea, it's nice meeting people, but unfortunately sometimes there're also guys like that. I don't understand how this Daishou has a girlfriend," he pressed annoyed to himself, when his gaze suddenly fell on my almost empty plate. "Hey, eat your beets. They've got antioxidants, they'll detoxify your body. Also-" he began reprovingly as he sat back up straighter. "You shouldn't drink Coke Zero. There's no sugar in it, but there's aspartame- what's up with that look?" Puzzled, he interrupted his sermon after my look became more bored with each sentence.

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