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Wattpad had some notification problems, that's why some of you didn't get a notification about the last chapter (or got it much much later). I at least tried to inform my followers about the issue. Hope you'll get a noti about this update. Now enjoy!


Sluggishly, I dragged myself from my office to the cafeteria. After my self-confession yesterday, I had hardly been able to sleep. The last time I checked my watch was at 2 a.m., and I woke up again at 6.

Is it just a crush? Am I really in love? What are his feelings for me? Should I tell him? How should I tell him? What would he say in response? - were the main questions that had occupied me throughout the night.

The boys' practice always starts at about 9 o'clock in order for them to have breakfast beforehand, which meant I still had three hours to kill and since I was spending every second without distraction mulling over this relationship with Kiyoomi, I had to keep myself busy.

The boys usually got up between 6-8a.m. Depending on whether they decide to go jogging beforehand - which most of them did - or not.

Until half past seven, I had been working on the guys' training schedules, revising their personal logs, and fine-tuning the report for today; before deciding that it was now time for breakfast.

"Good morning gorgeous."

Atsumu slipped past me, deftly grabbing two trays before handing one to me with a grin. "Here ya go."

"Thank you," I smiled back.

Together we stood at the food counter and peered through the well-polished, see-through glass to see what the chefs had prepared for today. Judging from Atsumu's satisfied hums, he liked what was on the menu.

Besides us, other personnel of the facility also shared their meals with us. For example, the boys' personal coaches, the sports medics, the cleaning staff, the cooks themselves - pretty much everyone who was employed in the building. Therefore, it didn't matter if we ate outside every now and then like we did yesterday.

"Miya-san, you seemed to be in a good mood today." One of the younger chefs behind the counter smiled dreamily at him.

Winking, the person addressed took a plate of scrambled eggs. "Sure thing. When I'm served the lovely food from ya ladies, I can't help but be in a good mood."

He was perfectly aware of his way with the girls, which is why he kept walking with a triumphant grin when he heard the young female cook giggle girlishly.

"Oh, good morning Arisa-chan!" After staring after Atsumu for a while, she now seemed to have noticed me as well.

"Good morning," I smiled back. I couldn't blame her. A charming Atsumu certainly took up more of her attention than I would.

"Isn't he dreamy." Gushing, she still gazed after him dreamily.

"A real dream," I replied wryly.

"Right?" Her beaming was so pure that I didn't want to tease her any longer. The fact that Atsumu talked like that to almost every kitchen help didn't seem to bother her much. Well, it's no secret that the blonde setter likes to flirt a lot.

While the young cook continued to gush about Miya-san, I grabbed my usual breakfast on the tray.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of the cooks hurrying past from the kitchen behind the counter but chose to ignore it. At least until the name of the man who hadn't given me any peace since last night rang out from a bright voice.

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