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"Ari~, I missed ya so much! This place has our music playin' all the time and nobody's dancing with me!"

"'Tsumu, you're crushing me," I said in a subdued voice against his shirt, hoping he would still hear me.

Atsumu and Bokuto intercepted us at the airport exit area to drive us back to the hotel.

"Let go of her, you idiot. That's disgusting."

According to Kiyoomi, Atsumu dropped me abruptly. "Geez Omi~, are ya jealous? If ya want a hug, ya could just ask for it."

With a mischievous grin, the setter walked up to the black-haired guy.

"One more step and you'll regret it."

As expected, Atsumu kept on walking whereupon Kiyoomi pulled a disinfectant spray from his pocket to spray it into his face.

"AHHHHHH!" Atsumu covered his eyes while crouching down. "ARE YOU NUTS?"

"I warned you," Kiyoomi said dryly walking past him unimpressed.

"Yer such an ass, Omi! Yer even worse than 'Samu!"

I smiled apologetically at the people who had passed us in bewilderment watching the whole scene with worried looks.

The sudden arm around my shoulder made me look away from the two boys. The reason why everyone called me by my first name, pulled me into a firm embrace.

"Well, did you miss your big brother? Of course you did, what a stupid question!" Bokuto shouted laughingly into my ear.

He's not my big brother.

We are not related but we share the same last name so we were always asked if we were siblings. Which made Bokuto doubt each time whether I was his lost sister or not.

After another team's coach asked if we were married and Bokuto called Akaashi to cry and apologize to him for getting married without inviting his best friend to the wedding, I finally had enough and asked everyone to call me by my first name.

When Atsumu could finally open his eyes again, we drove towards the hotel. The drive lasted 30 minutes, during which Atsumu and Bokuto told us what we had missed so far.

"And then Hinata got a bad sunburn! He couldn't move for a whole day," laughed Atsumu when he told us that they had played beach volleyball.

"We're here," Bokuto told us as he turned into the hotel parking lot.

"Wow! That looks really glamorous." I looked at the huge building with its beautiful architecture.

"Why ya so surprised, Ari, ya the one who booked it," Atsumu teased me.

"I know, but it looks even nicer in real life than it does on the pictures on the internet."

A glance at the entrance told me that Hinata and Inunaki were waiting for us. As soon as Hinata saw the car, he waved his arms wildly.

Carefully I got out of the car, whereupon Hinata sprinted towards us.

"Arisa! Arisa! Omi-kun! Look, I'm sunburned!" He jumped up and down in front of Kiyoomi and me. "It hurts like hell! This jerk Atsumu kept putting his hand on my shoulder the whole first day. It hurts so bad!"

His smiling face didn't match one bit with what he was saying.

From close up his red skin was clearly visible, which already caused me pain when I looked at it.

Before Kiyoomi or I could say anything back, he kept on talking while jumping up and down energetically.

"Shall we go to the beach and play volleyball? There are really good players here! Arisa! Arias! When's our first practice game?"

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now