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A/N: Get your spare panties ready 🤞

The tip of his cock rubbed against my wet pussy and I could have sworn I heard him sigh loudly over my moan. He didn't stick it in, but merely rubbed it over my middle. It was driving me crazy as I was already overstimulated, and he wasn't making it any easier. Just his tip going over my clit made my pussy twitch with pleasure.

If he keeps this up, I'm going to cum without him sticking it in.

The rustling sound and the brief pulling away of his cock on me, assured me that he had put on a condom.

Again, I felt his weight on my back as he leaned in toward my ear, since I was still lying under him in that embarrassing position.

"I'm going to put it in now," he murmured in my ear, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body. "Even though I honestly can't think of anything hotter than you moaning loudly to the rhythm of my thrusts - try not to be too loud. We don't want to wake Bokuto, do we?" he whispered the last part.

Tentatively, I shook my head. No, I certainly didn't want that.

Luckily, Kiyoomi's room was next to the outer wall, so he only had one of the boys next to him. And that one being Bokuto, who thankfully was a sound sleeper.

"All right, then," he purred. He leaned forward further, taking my face in his hand and turning it toward him. His black, lust-soaked eyes glazed darkly into mine. Speechless, I let two of his fingers brush my lips. "But I'd rather play it safe." His mouth was against my ear as he whispered while slowly sliding his fingers into my mouth, "because I'm not going to hold back today."

Sliding his fingers deeper into my mouth, his free hand roughly grabbed a fistful of my hair causing my head to lift slightly.

A strangled gasp escaped my throat as he licked across my neck while sliding his cock into my opening.

"Fuck," I heard him moan against my neck.

Fuck was hitting it. His dick was throbbing inside of me as he slid out and back in. I felt some moisture running down my leg as he repeated his motions.

"Fuck you are so wet. You feel so fucking good," he murmured, his hot breath fogging my neck.

His words made my heart soar and my body flood with incredible sensation. Each of his touches felt more intense than usual.

He continued to thrust into me in circular motions, deeper and deeper. Drool ran down the corner of my mouth due to Kiyoomi's fingers, while I tried to suppress my moans as best I could. But it was just too good. Way too good. The way he moved inside me, the way he touched me. All the dirty things and promises he whispered into my ear... I could already feel my walls twitching around him.

Automatically I started sucking on his fingers, because just sticking his fingers in my mouth didn't help to muffle my moans.

Suddenly Kiyoomi's grip on my hair loosened, which is why my head gently fell back into the pillows. But not only that, his movements had stopped too.

Confused, my half-opened eyes found their way over my shoulder.

As soon as we made eye contact, I noticed his Adam's apple slowly moving up and down. "Don't you do that anymore," he breathed, but my attention was on something else. My eyes widened slightly at the barely visible flush on his cheeks. Yet it was there.

Does he like it?

Without listening to his demand, I continued sucking his fingers in my mouth to suddenly feel his cock twitching inside me.

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