[10k] Oikawa sepcial

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My heart was racing the first time I saw you walk into the lecture room.

A petite girl entered the room, stopped in front of the tables and looked around a little overwhelmed. Her light brown hair fell wavy down her back. Her grey oversized wool sweater made her look even smaller and more delicate than she probably was. Her large light green eyes, bordered by thick dark eyelashes, looked from one table to the other, probably thinking about where to sit. She nervously chewed on her full pink lips.

God, she is beautiful. Her face looks like a painting. Is she new? I have never seen her on campus before.

"Iwa-chan, I saw an angel today!" Sighing, I let myself fall on my bed, with a smile.

"Thank God. Die and leave me alone Trashykawa," it echoed from the other line.

"You're so mean Iwa-chan~!", I wailed.

I heard a sigh. "So what kind of new volleyball have you bought this time? The last one really wasn't as good as you said."

"No! It's not a ball this time! It's a girl. She's a freshman and in my class. She accidentally took a senior class, but damn, not only does she look good, she's a freaking geek! She had no problem handling the material."

"A girl?" The surprise in his voice was hard to ignore. That was probably because I wasn't interested in a girl anymore after my last girlfriend broke up with me because of my enthusiasm for my hobby. Sure, there were times when there was something going on with a girl, but never with serious intentions. "If she's as smart as you claim, I don't know what she'd want from someone like you." 


"All right, all right. So-"

"Iwa, I gave her a tour around the campus and she noted everything down. NOTED! She's so cute," I interrupted my best friend.

"What's so cute about that?"

"I don't know. It just is. I'II ask her out." I scrolled through my contacts until I saw her name shining across the screen. Bokuto Arisa. I had asked her for her number.

"Calm down. You said you just met her today?"

"So?" I asked.

"What do you mean by 'so'? Don't rush things. Get to know her first. You think she's pretty and smart - that's probably half the girls on your campus, that's not enough to date."

I rolled my eyes at his statement and felt glad he couldn't see that. God, Iwaizumi is such a buzzkill.

"I don't rush things. What's wrong with dating? We can get to know each other while dating." He didn't answer and despite the fact that I couldn't see his face, I could feel his annoyed gaze through the line. " All right," I finally gave in with a sigh. "I won't ask her out just yet."


My heart felt a stab when you gave me my first rejection.

I had waited two weeks; I could not wait any longer. Every day I met her and showed her around and every day she met new people who wanted to befriend her. It wouldn't be long before some other guy would ask her out. Besides, I had gotten to know her a little. My decision had not changed.

"Oikawa-san, I don't mean to sound rude. I'm glad you're taking so much time for me, but surely you have other friends you want to hang out with? I don't want you to feel obligated for me," she replied to my question if we would meet again tomorrow.

"Yes, I do. But I prefer to spend my time with you," I answered her with the most charming smile I could muster.

I was waiting for the usual reddish glow that appeared on the cheeks of girls whenever I use my charming spell. But apart from a smile, I couldn't see anything on her face.

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