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Sakusa P.O.V

The shrill whistle of the referee indicated our victory over the third set and thus our break.

"Well played." Meian strongly hit my back with the flat of his palm as he passed me, causing me to stumble a step forward, but keeping my balance.

"Hmm," I hummed. It was true, my performance today was almost back to the old one.

As I walked to our bench, where drinks and towels were waiting for us, I let my gaze wander through the room. As it looked like all the other teams were about to take a break as well. But that wasn't the reason for my looking around. The reason was sitting a bit aside from all the teams, on a bench, together with all the other managers as it seemed.

Usually she wasn't sitting on this bench, but on ours. For sure she wanted to avoid the team.

She hadn't come down for breakfast this morning. The coach explained to us that he had offered her to stay in the hotel, but she had refused, saying that she had already missed too many days. Therefore, the coach thought it would be better for the team to know about her situation in order to be more sensitive with her. But we should keep it to ourselves and not make it too offensive. But not all of us were able to do as told.

"Ariii-chan~ are you hungry? Or thirsty? Tell me what you need, and I'll get it for you." The rat ran loudly shouting, quickly through the hall until he stopped in front of her and therefore out of my earshot.

It was already afternoon and she didn't exchange a word with me. She didn't even look in my direction. All the more I seemed to keep watching her. But to be honest, it seems like she didn't watch any of the teammates as well. All day has been writing something down her collage block before taking a look at her cell phone. She seems nervous, tense and totally out of place. 

The rat seemed to say something funny, since it was the first time today for her to have the hint of a smile on her lips.

I couldn't stop the emerging feeling inside me. It bothered me, knowing he was improving her mood. God, I am so pathetic.

Annoyed, I took one of the many yellow bottles on the bench, popped open the cap and took a big sip.

I didn't want to press her, so I had held back. But at the sight of other guys being with her it was difficult for me to watch silently. However, what else could I do.

"Sakusa", it sounded cold behind me.

Still drinking, I looked back from the corner of my eye.

"Do you have a moment?" The tone in his voice made it sound not so much like a question as a command. Just for that alone, I'd love to tell him to fuck off.

But I didn't want to make things even more tense between us. For her sake. I had already overdone it. Even though, in my opinion, he still deserved it.

I took the bottle from my mouth, wiping the cool wetness from my mouth with the back of my hand. "Sure," I said with a lack of enthusiasm, without turning around.

It remained silent for a moment, so I looked over my shoulder. His eyes were as cold and repellent as mine. "Talk."

"In private, if possible," he said, barely noticeably twitching his head in one direction.

My eyes followed his hint so I could catch Bokuto and Hinata turning around as if they had not been eavesdropping. Tch idiots. They can't even eavesdrop inconspicuously.

"Sure" I repeated myself, turning towards him. No sooner had I turned around than he spun on his heel to walk ahead.

"What does the great king want from Omi-kun?", I heard it whispering behind us. "I have no idea. Maybe he wants to poach him?"

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