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God yes!

Sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs wide open, I watched Kiyoomi kneeling on the floor between my legs, torturously slowly running his fingertips along my thighs to pull my dress up even higher.

Each of his touches, no matter how small, sent a comforting shiver down my spine. Licking his lips, he exposed more and more skin of my legs. His lustful eyes, which until now could not separate from my legs, now gazed into my eyes.

An unintentional gasp escaped my throat as he grabbed my thighs without warning before pulling me even closer with a jerk. Without breaking eye contact, his hands moved to my butt while his mouth hovered directly over my still-clothed pussy.

Swallowing, I looked down at him. Greedily, his eyes gazed at my center, which he gently stroked with his thumb. I immediately felt the thin fabric of my panties soak in with my moisture.

"So. Fucking. Wet."

His fingers ran over the edge of my panties to playfully brush over them as he tucked his head a little further back in his neck to look up at me with half-closed eyes.

With another tug, he pulled me so close, I could feel his hot breath through the fabric of my panties. All without taking his eyes off me. All his touches caused surges of ecstasy in me.

I tried with all my might to withstand his gaze, already feeling the heat rising in my cheeks as he pulled my panties aside without breaking eye contact. His aroused stare burned itself into my soul, as he used his hot tongue to drive flat over my wet, free pussy.

Whimpering, my eyes fluttered shut before I threw my head back lustfully.

Damn. One touch was enough to break me. To be wax in his hands. In those hands so deft, that had their place on my butt like it had never been any other way.

Kiyoomi couldn't help but grin in debt to my reaction as he spread kisses on my dripping cunt. My fingers clawed into the bedsheets behind me as the black-haired one slowly hooked his fingers around the hem of my panties and pulled them down as he continued spreading scattered kisses on my middle. 

To take off my panties completely, he briefly took his mouth away. But as soon as those were pulled off my legs, he took one of my legs to place his heated lips on them. He lifted my bare foot before spreading light kisses and licks over it. Working his way up further and further. From my lower legs, to my thighs. Until he finally arrived at my wet centre.

Kiyoomi put both of my thighs over his shoulders before burying his head between my legs. A stifled moan forced its way through my lips as the tip of his tongue licked along between my labia.  Whimpering, I braced myself on my forearms as one hand buried itself in the sheets and the other buried its way into Kiyoomi's soft curly hair, pressing him even closer to me.

Grinning, his eyelids fluttered open briefly to look at me arrogantly from below before he closed them again and continued to take care of making me tense with pleasure. A superfluous comment did not seem to be necessary here, after all, the sounds that I gave of me spoke volumes.

Sluggish movements of his tongue drove me crazy. Over and over again he licked across my bundle of nerves, stuck his tongue completely inside and sucked me.

God- he's satisfing me so good. So fucking good.

With half-closed eyes, I looked at him. Kiyoomi's eyes were still pleasurably shut, and the contented humming he gave off, giving me more waves of satisfaction, spoke for itself as well.

My heart raced at the sight of the handsome man between my legs. A sight I would never have dared to dream of and without really realizing it, I pushed his head away from me.

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now